I started pulling some covering off before I had it fully disassemble just to get look at some old repairs. Taking the covering off is a slow job. You cannot just rip it off or it will take some wood with it and then there are the spots where it is melted into the wood. Be prepared for surprises

after doing this enough times I have learned just how shocking it can be. I have come across areas that I have no idea how they were holding together. I was hoping to get most covering removed but due to a ANOTHER GP engine problem I need to replace an engine on the plane I plan to fly at the
@Joe Hunt event in a couple weeks. I am so tired of getting a GP engine back from repair just to have another one go bad. I decided tonight I am replacing ALL my GP engines with ZDZ's in the next two months. Sorry to vent but I am so frustrated

Anyone who wants a GP cheap I'm having a fire sale starting Now! $650 for 176evo's shipped.