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Wings Over Texas Fun-Fly - Abilene TX.


Maybe this is a better spot for this than over in the IMAC section?

The Abilene R/C Society is planning a Big Bird Fun-Fly (with emphasis on IMAC style flying/interest) on July 11th 2015. If our Fun-Fly turns out well, we'll plan to host an official IMAC contest in the spring/summer of 2016.

Here are the details on the event:

The Abilene Radio Control Society is inviting pilots to attend our Wings Over Abilene 2015 fun fly and fly-in event on Saturday July 11, 2015 at **** Bowen Field, located in Sea Bee Park, Abilene Texas. This will be an open fun fly for any big bird, with an emphasis on the Giant Scale/IMAC and precision aerobatic flying. The ARCS flying field is one of the best in Texas with a 400’ concrete runway, concrete taxiway, covered pit area with tables and electrical outlets available in several locations. (pictures available on our website)

ARCS hosted a number of IMAC contests spanning from 2001 to 2009. We had some of the largest events in South-central during that time, with typically 30+ IMAC pilots attending the last few IMAC contests we hosted. Our club is seeing resurgence in IMAC style airplanes and flying within our membership. Our goal with this fun-fly is to offer a low cost/high reward event that will draw pilots to the field. With a successful Wings Over Abilene, we will plan to host an official IMAC event for 2016.

-Open flying will start Friday evening and continue throughout the weekend.

-$10.00 landing donation: Pre-register by emailing James Johnson at: ghostflyer@swbell.net. Please include your name and AMA number. Pilot list will be updated and posted on all major web forums.

-Light Breakfast and BBQ lunch Saturday will be provided to pilots. Friday/Saturday dinner are on your own.

-Hotels available at the corner of FM600/I-20.

-Campers/Camping on site is allowed but no hookups available.

-Raffle Saturday. 1 ticket for all registered pilots with 5 additional tickets per pilot available for purchase. (must be present to win)

James Johnson can be contacted at ghostflyer@swbell.net Watch for additional info/updates on our club website: www.abilenercsociety.com

Craig Rideout


Sweeeeet! Tell your club and friends with big planes! We want to make this event big and fun so people will come back for the IMAC event next year. Check out our club website for pics of the field... It's a crazy good place to fly.

-Craig Rideout


Here's the flyer for the event. PLEASE feel free to print/post on all club boards.


  • Wings Over Abilene - 2015 Flyer.pdf
    378.4 KB · Views: 571


Flyin is this weekend! Get Registered today! The weather is supposed to be mid 90's and South winds at 13mph... perfect.


Just Do It
So sorry to not be able to make this event. The recover from my back surgery seems painful and slow. Have a great time