Matt, so far it seems pretty cool. It's not a very scale airplane but you can definitely tell that it's a Super Cub. I saw Dave Sullivan flying his 1/3 scale World Models Clipped Wing Cub at Joe Nall and also watched @SupaTim 's Clipped Wing Cub video before starting the build. Other people have already chimed in during this thread with generally positive comments so I'm optimistic it'll work out great when it's done. The toughlon covering material is tight and really shiny and so far I haven't come across any problems that couldn't be resolved easily.@Bartman how do you feel about the overall quality of this airplane? Is the build up there with say an aero-works or hangar 9? Just looking for an honest opinion as I really am liking this airplane and the price
A few final details in getting the wing control surfaces hooked up and we'll be on to the fuselage, engine, and final controls set-up!
Overall a great ARF so far but installing the servos in the wings turned up a few small challenges, like less than perfect pushrods for the ailerons and flaps and pre-drilled holes for the control horns that didn't line up with the servo arms. Not a big problem though as we show, a little trial and error and everything is moving right along!
Parts substituted from the stock parts include;
5" Hangar 9 Pro Links for the aileron push rods
4.33" RedwingRC titanium pushrods for the flaps
SWB servo arms for the aileron servos
4-40 ball links for the servo side of the aileron connections
9 to 12" extensions are needed for the flap servos and 36" extensions are needed for the aileron servos.
That's probably a result of the Carbon Cub not being a rag and tube airframe so they're able to soften some of the sharp corners, but I don't know that for sure.I found AW carbon ss cowl and it wont fit. Front of the carbon cub is rounded at F-1 and not flat sided. But! Does not mean some "kit bashing" can't be done to make it work