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40" EPP Edge 540 Building, Flying, and Questions

My Newest Plane the 40" 3DHS EPP Edge 540!!! So far there are some initial manufacturing issues popping up such as a twisted right wing but I so far am enjoying this plane thoroughly.

Here is the info from the 3DHS Website

Direct Link to Product Page

Build Manual

Suggested Equipment:
Power System:

Omega 72g 1100KV Lightweight Setup
Use with 11x5.5 prop and 3S 1000-1600mah lipo.

Omega 103g 1030KV More Power Setup
Use with a 11X5.5 or 12x6 prop and 3S 1000-1600mah lipo.

Use AirBoss 45A, Hacker x40, Hacker X55, Castle ICE Lite 50A.

Qty. 4 Hitec HS-65MG
Servo Extensions:
Qty. 2 12 inchQty. 2 4 inch
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couple diagrams to help with the build



  • EPP-40-WINGALIGN.jpg
    92.8 KB · Views: 568



AUW 26oz. w/ a 1300 25C GensAce
Omega 103G
Hacker X-40
HS-65HB's all around
Hitec Minima6 RX
40mm spinner
13x6.5 prop.

pretty happy with the weight


quick notes about the wing "twist" issue some have experienced:

after doing the "taped pencil" test on the wingtips to check alignment, all said and done, the wings on this one were pretty good, just barely warped, typical "epp behavior" sort of issue. Took it out and warped it back just a little bit, test fit again and it was about dead nutz. Level with the fuse on each side and equal distance from wing tip down on each side.

the bigger issue on this particular plane was actually the horiz. stab. Turns out one side was about 1/2" above the other. Simple fix with some pressure, but if I hadn't checked it closely, I would have thought it was the wing, and would have kept messing with the wing when it wasn't really the problem. So as a heads up, if your stab. and wing don't appear level/parallel or on the same line with each other when looking from the tail, take a closer look at the stab. before doing too much with the wing.
Wow that is a big prop!! I have the 11X5.5 on my 103g Omega. I am thinking about switching to a 12X6 but I am really enjoying the 11X5.5. I tap the ground more then enough with the 11 so that is why I have not tried the 12 yet.


ya....I wanted to try the 13" for the torque/airflow down low, + the 400+ watts for some sick reason, should be interesting :rolleyes: