Hey guys, Mike from Chicago here. I'm the tech guy on this forum that installs, configures, and basically keeps the web site serving pages to you hungry 3D pilots! Oh yeah, I also love to fly 3D airplanes. Flew glow planes back in the '80's, took a hiatus to raise my family and got back into the hobby in 2008...a lot had changed since 1992!!! Then I got my first taste of 3D when I got a 46" Vyper at a 3DHS garage sale.

Now I've got a 49" Su-26, 51" Slick, 58" Edge, 65" Vyper, and 71" Slick (red, gasser) as wel as a 34" Edge...I've got a few non-3DHS airframes as well, including a Gold Wing Su-26 with a DLE-30 and a Twist 60 with a Saito FA-115. My favorite...wait for it...the 51" Slick

One of my buddies, CRFan1, keeps encouraging me to get an Extreme Flight plane. I have to figure out how to fit that in the budget for next year.
If you've got any technical questions or issues, there are some threads here for posting to get help, or you can send me a PM.
I appreciate all the ideas that have come forth and those that are already in my queue to implement...looks like I will be keeping busy here! I feel blessed to be able to use my God-given skills to contribute to this community which has already taught me so much!
btw SnowDog has a two-fold meaning for me: 1) it is the name of a character in a song by my favorite band of all time, Rush, and 2) it reminds of my dog, Winnie, who was a black lab/shepard mix, who loved to play in the snow, fetching a stick that weighed as much as she did, and who loved to try to eat all the snow my snow blower could throw after a heavy Chicago winter storm.