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Let's see your full-scale airplane!


70cc twin V2
Guys, I have had my private pilot certification for over two decades now (got it when I was 17). I used to own a 1977 Cessna 150M. Great little plane, but after putting about 70 hours on it, we grew apart and ultimately ended our relationship, which was especially difficult since it was first flown on the day I was born.


Now, after a 10 year hiatus, I'm wanting to again fly inside an airplane. I'm looking at moving up to a Mooney M20C or maybe a Commander 112A, or something similar.

I'd like to see what you all are flying or what you used to fly. Let's see some full-scale pics!


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That's a pretty Banana! just yankin ur chain.....Bonanza' s are beautiful airplanes. The older V-tail 35's were top!:brian-banana:.

@Patto ....thanks for starting this thread.....I'll post some pics of my past rides in a bit.


OK....my Dad taught me to fly in this L-16 (Military version of the Aeronca Champ. Little 65hp Continental.....sumbitch would barely climb with 2 of us on a hot summer day! But ya sure did learn seat-of-the-pants flying!!! He was not a licensed instructor, but I did "unofficially" solo in it.

I was 15 at the time (1968), but then school, college, women and dirtbikes interrupted until I was 27, when I finally got serious and got my Private ticket. Officially soloed after about 1hr with an instructor in his Cessna 152. Seems like a long time ago (1980).

L-16 cropped.jpg

To Be Continued.....


That's a pretty Banana! just yankin ur chain.....Bonanza' s are beautiful airplanes. The older V-tail 35's were top!:brian-banana:.

@Patto ....thanks for starting this thread.....I'll post some pics of my past rides in a bit.

Thank you sir! Had a chance to fly an early one as well. The 18th one off the line in 1947. This is a from the Flying magazine photo shoot for the 60th Anniversary, back in 2007. The funny thing here is the gross weight of the 35 is 2,550 lbs., which is roughly equal to the empty weight of the G36.


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Nothing fast or fancy... My dad and I just finish a restore on a 1956 tri-pacer we also have a 1953 that we are doing a complete ground up restoration on. As well as a piper vagabond we are scratch building. And lastly a little airplane that my dad helped design that looks like a little duster


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Here's another from my past. 1951 Navion Super 260.....my Granddad bought NEW, then my Dad owned it, and lastly my wife & I for about 17 years. I first flew in this plane as a diaper-wrapped babe!:nightmare:
Navion N5437K - Vintage Airplane, April '94.jpg
I'm in the red shirt on this 4-generation pic. My brother is on the left.... both our sons with us. Granddad and Dad in the middle, of course.
4 Generation Navion - scan.jpg

We finally sold it a few years ago.....just weren't flying it much anymore. It now lives in Tennessee with a proud owner and nice guy to boot!
Earle, i think there is one airplane in particular that is missing from your list.. it was red and liked to not always fly with the landing gear pointed at the ground :) come on guys is this it for the full scale??