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Hello from Elizabeth City NC

Larry B

70cc twin V2
I am a scale guy at heart but after 4 years of my flying buddy bugging me I caved in and put an IMAC model together (I posted some photos of the thing in the PAU vendor section). Neither one of us have ever flown in an IMAC contest so we will both be starting at the bottom class.
I have been flying R/C since 1974, and have always been primarily interested in scale. Over the past 10 years or so I have taken to designing my own scale stuff, I like the odd subjects that you never see at a contest.
I have been competing at Top Gun since 2009, been to the U.S. Scale Masters Championships twice, and a bunch of other scale contests around the East coast. If it's a contest, I'll try to get there!
I attached a few photo's of some of the junk I have designed and built over the past several years, it's all 1/4 scale (except the V-173), the 109E is from my own molds with a glass fuse & foam wing/tail.
Larry B


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I am a scale guy at heart but after 4 years of my flying buddy bugging me I caved in and put an IMAC model together (I posted some photos of the thing in the PAU vendor section). Neither one of us have ever flown in an IMAC contest so we will both be starting at the bottom class.
I have been flying R/C since 1974, and have always been primarily interested in scale. Over the past 10 years or so I have taken to designing my own scale stuff, I like the odd subjects that you never see at a contest.
I have been competing at Top Gun since 2009, been to the U.S. Scale Masters Championships twice, and a bunch of other scale contests around the East coast. If it's a contest, I'll try to get there!
I attached a few photo's of some of the junk I have designed and built over the past several years, it's all 1/4 scale (except the V-173), the 109E is from my own molds with a glass fuse & foam wing/tail.
Larry B
WELCOME LARRY! i have met you several times down at the Tarheel RC club for the scale and big bird events! i have got to see you fly the 109 and for anyone that hasn't seen him fly it... WOW it is a beautiful flying machine! and very scale!


Welcome to GSN Larry! Nice looking planes. Wish I were closer so I could see them in person.

IMAC is an addiction, I am telling you from experience, especially if you like competition. I started out last year in Basic and am flying Intermediate this year. Haven't fared to well this year due to mechanical issues and not being able to practice much but, still having a blast!

Good luck and remember to ask questions. Some of the most helpful people you will ever meet will be at an IMAC competition. It is all about having a good time and becoming a better pilot.


Defender of the Noob!
Welcome to GiantScaleNews.com Larry! Those airplanes are damn nice! You'll find the members here appreciate all of the different aspects of rc so no reason why your scale stuff wouldn't fit right in.
Welcome, we're glad you found us!

Larry B

70cc twin V2
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I do seem to be the "odd man out" being a scale guy:)
Larry B


640cc Uber Pimp
Well then take it from another scale guy, "Welcome, welcome, welcome". There is a shortage of us these days especially on forums, seems 3D has taken over.

Larry B

70cc twin V2
I agree with you Ace R/C, I usually have been posting on R/C Scale Builder where there is a lot less Chinese ARF's & Monokote, but this is a interesting & diverse forum so I thought I would give it a try.