I know, right? I wouldn't have believed it when I got back last year. I was still thinking 3W CS was cream of the crop like the old days. And, they still are the highest quality to me. But, power to weight, the DLE beats all the other 170cc motors. And, at half the cost of the DA and 3W. A couple of things have gotten better for us since I was gone and this is one of them. I wouldn't have even considered it if it wasn't for
@Tavis. He said once his DLE-170 got the new reeds it was almost as strong as his 180cc class engine. And, smooth. Says he's keeping his DLE for sure. Also, GP, I wouldn't have considered it but again
@Tavis says stronger and smoother than a DA-120. Supposed to have the bugs worked out now, and they're saying they do on the GP-176 now too. We'll see. Even the brand new BE engines 124 looks great in the flying videos that are posted of it. Getting to be like TV, stereo, and computer components... where brand loyalty is not the way to go. With those you have to stay with whoever is on top of the game at the moment.