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JTEC/RADIOWAVE 2.8m & 3.1m MX2


70cc twin V2

It has been a long month and we thank you for waiting on your kit. Between trying to take a little vacation and a great win at the Clover creek Invitational we managed to get 5 kits cut.

We really hope you enjoy building your kit!!

I have added a couple pictures from Clover Creek. Jason Shulman won the Unlimited IMAC with a borrowed MX2 matter of fact he and Aaron "Bones" Garle both flew MX2 borrowed from Jerry Hailey. Bones placed 5th. Bones also took 3rd in free style

I think the picture I am most proud of is the one with all of us in it. Left to right: Me , Jason, Jerry Hailey, Bones and Kevin. These are the guys that did all the development work on the MX2 series planes


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GSN Contributor

I was at Clover Creek and caught a couple of shots...Bones.jpg Bones2.jpg Jason.jpg Jason2.jpg Radiowave2.jpg Radiowavejpg.jpg

I agree that Jason and Bones were two very exciting pilots! I hope Bones enjoyed his trip in the states, he was certainly a pleasure to meet.

On a personal level, I think the dark red and black schemes on the MXS makes that plane a real looker in the air! And of course its great performance showed!

Also, you were also a pleasure to meet. I even picked up one of your ingenious little fan kits! Its ready for Sherman.

But, most of all I think it is the support of manufacturer's like you that allow for such great events to happen! (I am not just saying that because I won some cannisters!) But I must say that all of the sponsors were very generous!

I look forward to Cams build thread! I wonder what would happen if I bookmarked GSN on his wifes computer so she could see another kit coming!! :) Just kidding...


70cc twin V2
Thanks Rich,

We do what we can, we are a small operation that tries to keep new products coming out and keep things interesting. The cool breeze came about because the boys were practicing the week before Clover Creek. It was hot as hell here and they could not get the engines running quickly after a flight. basically they we getting vapor lock. Kevin can back to the shop had an idea how to get air across the heads, Sat down at the computer and drew it in cad. They took the file to the laser and cut it out.

Jason and one of the guys at CC tested it to see the temp drop. On a 200 /222 it went from 210 to 139 in 9 minutes and started right up.

Any how we are excited for Cam to Get his 2.8 MX2. Hopefully he will do a build thread but if not I hope he enjoys it.

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70cc twin V2
We can ship all over the world. The issue is what the shipping usually cost. If you email us your address at sales@jtecrc.com we can look it up and give you an estimate of the shipping charges. Let us know how you want it shipped. If you have a shipper you like to use let us know that also.

Hi Earle,

Don't get back over a lot nowadays - things are busy back here. I practice a bit of IMAC but haven't competed in a while. Life is just insanely busy and I end up away a lot of weekends with work so it's a bit of a challenge to commit to stuff like competitions. Life is good fun though so I won't argue :)

JTEC - thanks! I'll not waste your time getting shipping quotes yet but once I get some projects cleared off the bench, I'm pretty interested in a proper build. The MX looks great!