Defender of the Noob!
Hey guys, long time no see.
Been getting caught up around the house, working, going insane over the elections.....the usual stuff.
Started a new project this morning, it's a kit I think I picked up at a garage sale or flea market when I was a teenager so it's been on the shelf for a very long time. At Joe Nall this past year I bought the Corsair from @Rolling.Circle and it flies like s**t (!!!) so it isn't breaking my heart to hack it up for the radio gear and motor.
I've always been terrified of small models because they require a level of patience that I have never had but I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I had my first little wood kit like this when I was seven and the cat knocked it off my workbench. I tried a Guillow's Mustang when I was about 12 or 13 but the tissue warped the crap out of the wing so that one went into the trash after a while also. If I can't do it this time, it's ARF's for me!
It's a Comet Aeronca K kit on floats, the plans say copyright 1945! I put my ugly mug in there in case anyone says I couldn't have built such an awesome little flyer!

Been getting caught up around the house, working, going insane over the elections.....the usual stuff.
Started a new project this morning, it's a kit I think I picked up at a garage sale or flea market when I was a teenager so it's been on the shelf for a very long time. At Joe Nall this past year I bought the Corsair from @Rolling.Circle and it flies like s**t (!!!) so it isn't breaking my heart to hack it up for the radio gear and motor.
I've always been terrified of small models because they require a level of patience that I have never had but I'm going to give it a try and see what happens. I had my first little wood kit like this when I was seven and the cat knocked it off my workbench. I tried a Guillow's Mustang when I was about 12 or 13 but the tissue warped the crap out of the wing so that one went into the trash after a while also. If I can't do it this time, it's ARF's for me!
It's a Comet Aeronca K kit on floats, the plans say copyright 1945! I put my ugly mug in there in case anyone says I couldn't have built such an awesome little flyer!