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Recent content by jonesjj

  1. J

    GP 88 EVO thread

    I to just picked up an 88 for my GS P47 it will be a while before I get it going as that project is slated for the bench after the GS spitfire and possibly the GS Zero, Zero will have the 61 in it. Looking forward to getting the GP eng.'s in the air I have heard good things about them I am the...
  2. J

    Bavarian Demon Cortex

    Flew the 57" 3Dhs Extra 300 today with the Cortex and it is LOCKED IN! I have 4 of my planes now with the Cortex really like how it works in my 107" decathlon with 55CC eng in it, that is set up as my Tow plane, I am really liking the Cortex. Just order up 4 more of them and they will go in my...
  3. J

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Greetings All, my name is Jeff Jones been involved in RC since 1979, started in helis about 17yrs ago, have settled in to giant scale gas warbirds and electric sport planes these days, sport aerobatic 700 - 800 size helis, based in northern ILL, have been self employed for the last 20yrs.
  4. J

    Bavarian Demon Cortex

    Greetings All, New to this thread, picked up my Cortex (actually 3 ) @ the Toledo Show and got first one in my Big 3DHS Viper over the last few days and was able to get out to get the first flights on it tonight, All I can say is Wow, it is really Nice. Winds were varying from about 8 to...