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Recent content by Xpress

  1. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Putting together this hoopty for a buddy. I wound up buying a new 70CC airplane after lightly crashing this unit from an engine issue so this one was going to go to the scrap heap when he stepped up to take it from me and buy new parts. OF COURSE I got roped into reassembling it for him. But...
  2. Xpress

    Discussion The I’m Going/Went Flying Thread

    Been doing some flying lately...
  3. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Been messing with some glow stuff lately. This OS 46FX started giving me some trouble last week with leaking out the rear case gasket and not wanting to hold a tune anymore. I don't know how old it is, or how much fuel has been ran through it, plus it was making some bearing noise, so I tore it...
  4. Xpress

    Gas Engines - Maximum Altitude?

    In excess of 10,000ft.... Carbureted systems tend not to do well at these altitudes which is why you will generally only see EFI systems deployed at these altitudes.
  5. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    TL:dr version: Got a laser cutter, started engineering product, and now we here. :cool: https://southwesthobbysupply.com/ Laser cutting has become almost as addicting as RC to me, inevitably the two worlds will collide soon.. :banana-dance:
  6. Xpress

    Cars and planes

    I can stuff 6 foamies, 2 60", a 70", an 85", a 86", a 93", a 105", and a 115" inside of my van. But I might have a slight advantage...
  7. Xpress


    Falcon props use a foam and balsa core to prevent howling at high RPM. I would just re-drill and use, I've seen some swiss cheese prop hubs before that work fine.
  8. Xpress

    K&B 7.5 ducted fan

    Silly question. I acquired one of these. Does your carburetor have a rotating assembly in it like regular glow carbs normally do for throttle? Mine seems to be frozen. BTW this one is for sale. I have a complete fan for it too if anyone is interested, motor makes good compression.
  9. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Finishing up an AJ ARS 300 86" . DLE55 on tap with a 23x8 Falcon, Hitec HSB-9381TH servos. Few more odds and ends to complete, but we're almost there. Waiting on a nice JTEC wrap around muffler.
  10. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Painted up the Estes Big Daddy with the colors of FREEDOM!! Tamiya metallic red and blue, with primer white, and a gloss clear coat for added measure.
  11. Xpress

    The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread

    Picked up one of these today at the LHS I work at. Figured I'd dabble a little bit with rockets to keep myself from getting burned out on the airplanes... I get home and suddenly I'm down the rabbit hole doing research on how to get my level 1 cert for a Apogee Rocket's Zephyr o_O:rolleyes:
  12. Xpress

    Discussion The I’m Going/Went Flying Thread

    Picked up a Night Timber 1.2X the other day. Running Spektrum smart batteries with it for full telemetry. What a trip this thing is, the reverse thrust gets everyone every time. And she flies super rad, totally stable and gets down.
  13. Xpress

    Xpress builds a 115 AJ Laser - PICTURE HEAVY!

    That was flying at sea level with that prop. Otherwise, I ran a 32x12 and it would still rip it.
  14. Xpress

    Xpress builds a 115 AJ Laser - PICTURE HEAVY!

    A 31x10 is really too small, I'm spinning a 33x11W.