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OH MY...MY...MY!!! Now that is just hot as hell. But someone please remove the bumps from the top of my fuselage. She is cute and all, but I can't see past her...mmm, yeah...to fly. LOL
I’ve already showed the beheamoth master this photo of my H9 P-40B .50 size.
I made some poor Chinese insignias on it and painted my own sharks mouth. I like the large incisor fangs, I am partial to this look. Might have to alter the P40E I get from @stangflyer .....
It’s used to have a Saito 72, has a new .82 in it now. Never flown with the new engine, started switching over to gas around the same time. It’s just too small to enjoy a gas engine. I love the DLE55 I have on my timber, sounds like it’s a good fit for this airframe too.
I made the flaps on this one, so straitening the flaps on that ARF shouldn’t be too bad. Looking forward to seeing that beauty when it takes it’s trip north to Alaska in the near future
I just picked up a almost new Top Flite Giant P-40 ARF kit here in the Netherlands!!! Super rare and super stocked!!! Was planning on using the same engine as @stangflyer so would love to see the progression he made after the pictures that are already in this thread!
So I have started the Roto 85FSI conversion myself and thought why would I make the firewall out of 2 pieces as I can make a slot in the side and shove the whole thing in from the side and ofcourse after drilling the engine mount holes and glueing the firewall in I discovered that the spinner did not line up at all so I plugged the holes again and drilled new ones and now I am very happy with the placement. The side of the engine that comes out of the engine box does hit the cowl on the inside but fortunately it hits right where the exhausts are so I just took a dremel and made some space for it luckily all hidden by the exhausts on the outside.
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