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  1. ericb

    New t-shirt design.....black!

    Get them done and I will order some. Can't wait for the black shirts.
  2. ericb

    Rant......Pre assembled fuel tanks.

    Fiji tanks and PSP fittings are the best out there. Super strong and light. Very easy to make also and you get some delicious water to drink also.
  3. ericb

    Reza has been here for a week and he's already giving stuff away! RED LINE OIL!

    I switched to Red Line at the beginning of last year. I love it. Great protection for my engine.
  4. ericb

    bizarre issue with airplane

    We have that issue all of the time on the copy machines I fix. If you have a weird issue, the first thing you do is cut the zip ties. The machines they use to install them really crank them down tight.
  5. ericb

    The I'm going out flying thread 2016

    Holy crap! The weather was great today and I was able to get out and fly. I maidened the EF Edge and had a little issue with a servo not finding center, but other than that it was great. Flew the EF Extra with the MVVS again and loved it. You can do lots of silly things with that setup...
  6. ericb

    3D Yak rebuild

    That is looking awesome. Can't wait to see how it flies.
  7. ericb

    Extreme Flight Edge 88"

    I also have a Falcon 24X9 to try.
  8. ericb

    Extreme Flight Edge 88"

    I fired up the GP61 tonight and it was pulling 32lbs of thrust with a Vess Stealth 23B.
  9. ericb

    Extreme Flight Edge 88"

    Came in at 18lbs 5oz.
  10. ericb

    Extreme Flight Edge 88"

    All ready once I get the choke figured out.
  11. ericb

    3D BH Design 50% Edge 540

    Sounds like a fun plan.
  12. ericb

    GiantScaleNews is PROUD to Welcome Reza Gholamipour!!

    I could not agree with you more on the dx18 and powersafe rx setup.
  13. ericb

    GiantScaleNews is PROUD to Welcome Reza Gholamipour!!

    I believe He is talking direct input like the powersafe rx allows So you don't have to use jr connectors for power input.
  14. ericb

    Why do you use HV and / or why don't you?

    Nope. I run mine on fromeco relions.