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  1. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    50cc or 100cc Slick Pro
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    Humm well this is going to bug the CRAPPPP!!! out me till I find out what it is now. They said it's not a Bipe 540 Edge 60" Yak 55m EF's Outlaw bush type of plane, maybe a Beaver or even a Decathlon Still haven't said anything about the 100cc Extra or 50cc Laser... Or the Blimp... :megaroll...
  3. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    LMAO! Think someone would get it, he did say some here have already mentioned it somewhat.
  4. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

  5. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    Okay let me just ask you this. Is it a modified version of something you already have or something brand new? Big or small? Oh maybe it's a fpv quad!
  6. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    I will make a guess...Or rather a wish... It's going to be a Biplane! A larger bipe, like 30 to 50cc size. Do we win anything if we guess right? BooYaa Baby :ecstatic: BTW I like the price of those Thunder Power 3300mAh 6S 22.2V Lightning Series 55C @ $107.99 I think is what I seen them for.
  7. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    I Love Nachos your right and I would save a bit on weight. @Express It is pretty cool to watch espcially knowing the control it takes to do it and do it with grace. Oh it all good stuff :)
  8. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    WoW thats a big difference. That 93 is a big ass plane. Can't really do gas where I live so Im stuck with electric which isn't really that bad a deal. I mean I could but it would be a big hassle. Yes I wish I could get 15 to 20 mins flight time anything more than that I would get board. Im...
  9. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Hey thanks much for the comparison info and great job on the gfx brother. Will do on the email.... :) Agree with you about the price thing on the Q80. Really like that motor too, I see it on so many larger airframes and it always impresses. The A100 through A200 are impressive as well and I just...
  10. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Aerobeez I don't suppose you can tell me where I can get those exact Hitec graphics could ya? They look very nice and match up with the rest of the scheme very well.
  11. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Well I sorta did that, I went to Espritmodle.com and found it HERE Gave me the specs below. Price: $275.00 RimFire Outrunner Series 80-85-160 Kv (rpm/V) 160 Max Power (W) 8400W Max Amp (15sec) 150A Max Efficiency 83% Io (No load A) -A Rm (Resistance) -Ohm Shaft...
  12. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    So I need a bit of education. I don't know anything about the Rimfire motors. Say's it's 160Kv, 8400W. What Hacker motor would I compare it to? Nearest match.
  13. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    OMFG! :megaroll: You said it Bloosee... WoW guys I was just expecting a note saying it all looks good. All I can say is "Just Freaking Awesome" My next purchase from you guys will be that Killer 93" 32% Extra 330SC :lovestruck:. I still need to figure out what motor to put in it though. I run...
  14. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    oh dat sounds fast and mean. Any pics or vid? And of course I would thank you dude, don't mind expressing my appreciation at all. Job or not. :peace:
  15. Bushwacker

    Help With Motor Timing and Poor Throttle Response (Gecko 120HV)

    This is a post from another member d2tw4all you can view it HERE it's on page 29 of this board. The files have worked for me and him and probably others as well. Let us know.
  16. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Yes Sir I do. ABZ4581 and thank you very very much for this. You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!! Told you I would be a return customer after all you guys did for me last time. :)
  17. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    @Aerobeez Hey guys I just purchased your 64" MSXR could you please check it before shipping :) BTW I am really loving my 70 Slick Pro on 12S... :thumbup:
  18. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Thanks alot guys much appreciated. So it was what I thought. I just need to figure out what to set the Capacity Alarm to. Not even sure what that would be. Guess I'll just run a few flights and see how low I get the batt's on average and set it to some value that I think would be to low before...
  19. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Bloosee didn't you get a mezon for you Slick Pro? I did, got the 90. Im setting it up right now and have a question or two. Im at the point where you set the Max Batt Capacity then on to capacity alarm. So my question is because this is a 12S system do I set the max cap to say 3300mah or double...