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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Drill Baby, Drill!

    Really great article. My dad taught me the same thing. I only have one question and it's the same question I asked him. How do you know at what RPM your bit is rotating?
  2. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    nsg I used Gorilla Glue on the first build. I do like this stuff, it is very strong, but I agree with others about the expanded stuff it leaves as it dry's. Think I'll try 30 min epoxy this time around. Funny you should mention the manual, I've read that thing at least a dozen times. The best...
  3. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Yep I think thats the one. Looks like it could be a fun little plane to get my need for speed fix in and do it for cheap. $127.32 @ Hobby King. My son was looking at with me and say's to me "Oh man we could have dog fights dad". Have you flown this little bird Mike or know anything about it?
  4. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Oh wait a tic was the EFX Racer maybe. Seems the Racer was part of the name.
  5. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Think is was a foamy looked sorta like an extra or sbach speed was around 100mhp oh and I think the wing tips were curved starting at the leading edge. Don't remember color. Maybe white and blue. I know it's not much. Sorry :(
  6. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Hey Guys and Girls, So I remember seeing a thread here about this little sport plane, however I can't remember the name of it. I was a fast little bugger think about 45 or 48 inches and electric. I was hoping someone would have an idea of what Im talking about. I know this is asking a lot, but...
  7. Bushwacker

    Must Have Tools

    lol you got it.
  8. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Good stuff thanks
  9. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Seriously Mike...are you trying to jinks me bro. :grumpy: j/k man. This whole week is going to suck until I open the box. :banghead: if it's all messed up again bad things are going to happen. I will have to have a little chat with the UPS guy. It will be fine Im sure. This will give me time to...
  10. Bushwacker

    Must Have Tools

    In your opinion what are the: Must have tools for the RC Plane Hobby? Recommended Tools? Must have Building Supplies? Recommended Building Supplies? Everything from hand tools to electronics. Repair work to scratch build. What to bring to the field. I know this could get pretty involved, but...
  11. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Well fella's I am now a Loyal 3DHS Customer. Oh and thank you 3DNater. Here's the email I got back from them regarding my damaged Vyper. Just about fell off my chair after reading this. Man I thought this would be some big dragged out thing. BooYa Baby Im a happy boy again. Noll is da man...
  12. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Does anyone here run a Hacker A100 or A200? Man I watched a few youtube vids with some guys running these and I just love the sound they make. WoW!!! Kinda gave me a warm fuzzy feeling like the first time I heard 700 size heli blades beat the air.
  13. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Yeah I was thinking about this last night and decided to stick with this plane. I just like it too much. Thanks for the video.
  14. Bushwacker

    Custom Made Servo Wires and wiring

    So in an attempt to give back to 3drcf for giving me so much useful advice, I have some that will hopefully be good for someone here. I've looked around and haven't seen this type of stuff posted, so I don't think I'll be stepping on anyone's toes or double posting. If I do, I apologize and the...
  15. Bushwacker

    Pull Pull Tail Waggle

    Got it. Thanks Mike.
  16. Bushwacker

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    From Oregon. New to RC Planes...Will be flying a 3DHS 65" Vyper once it's finished. Originally started out with Heli's, been flying those for the past 3 years or so. I am down to 2 Heli's now, both are Align's. My weapon of choice is an all KDE Trex 600e Pro. All I can say is this is an amazing...
  17. Bushwacker

    Pull Pull Tail Waggle

    Is the pull pull system better than push pull? Or is it just a matter of weight at the tail with the servo that makes it less desirable? I run the push pull is why I ask and the fact that Im still learning all the finer details of RC stuff.
  18. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    So should I resend the original email to Noll or just leave it? Here's another question for you guy's. Im having serious thoughts on which plane to get now. Here are my idea's. Stick with the 3DHS 65" Vyper. IN STOCK. 3DHS 74" Edge 540 - Silver. OUT OF STOCK. 3DHS 72" Extra 330SC - Red. OUT...
  19. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    On it...Sent about 5mins ago. Well at least I still have my Heli's to fly. Think I'll go throw those around for a bit. Thanks for the info. :)
  20. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Sorry don't know who Noll is. Shop is not open today. :( I will probably have to email all this stuff in to info@3dhobbyshop.com and wait till Monday before I get an answer, hopefully.