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29th Annual Tri-Village RC’ers Swap Shop


The 29th Annual Tri-Village RC’ers Swap Shop will be held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2018 at DuPage County Fairgrounds - 2015 West Manchester Road, Wheaton, IL 60187

This venue offers: Free Parking, 8 ft. Tables (AC Power available at some tables), Wide Aisles. Food & Drinks. 50/50 Raffle Drawing (Minimum $100 prize) will be held at 12:00 Noon.

Doors open to the public at 9:00 AM General Admission: $5.00 - Kids 12 & Under are Free. Dedicated Selling Hours are 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


To register for tables, mail your payment and information to: Brian Eltherington · 5143 Chambers Dr. · Barrington, IL 60010 · Make Checks Payable to: Tri-Village RC’ers

No reservation will be accepted without payment. 1 free admission per table.

Tables registered by Jan 20th, 2018 are $20.00 each. If purchasing 3 or more tables they are discounted to $18.00 each. Table space is limited - so please register early. Please send the following information with your registration if not using a form: Name, Address, City, State, Zip , Telephone, Email, (Website if you have a related business), Number of tables purchased.

Please indicate if you have any table choices and if you require AC Power. 30% of the tables have wall space, but always sell out early. We will try to accommodate specific table requests, however, Tri-Village RC’ers reserves the right to make all table assignments.

Vendor setup begins at 7:00 AM - No early entry allowed. Vendors must check in at the main door before setting up. (express check-in cards will be mailed to you for pre-paid tables) Any tables available after Jan 20th, 2018 are $25.00 each.

For more information, prefer you please send me an email: FlyBri@comcast.net

or call Brian (847) 567-7125 (after 6:00 pm or leave a message anytime).


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