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SOLD! DA 60/25mm Drop Header/Medium ProFlow Can

I'm selling a DA 60 with about 5 gallons through it. I had the motor in my 3DHS 89" Slick. It would burble in the midrange so I added a nipple to the diaphragm side of the carb and ran a line to a modified pill bottle in the fuse and that seemed to fix that problem for me. Included is a blazing star mount for EF planes (sold the Slick, bought an EF Edge), the 25mm header, and a Medium rear dump ProFlow can. I can also throw in a SmartFly Ignition regulator and a Fromeco Relion (3 years old but still working fine) if you would like.

The engine has only died on me a once because I had the idle set too low and it didn't die until after I had just landed the plane. It has been run slightly lean when I was setting the needles but the cylinder isn't pink. I've only ran Redline at 40:1 with Phillips 66 pump gas (91 octane).

Also, when setting it up for the Slick, I needed to open up the hole in the firewall a little bit more. I covered up the carb and set the nozzle of my shop vac in the motor box and used my Dremel to open it up. I accidentally touched on one of the carb bolts which is why there's a small spot that's not red. Haven't had any problems with debris in the carb or the carb coming loose so it's still in working condition, just missing a non-significant bit of the bolt head.

Paypal works fine for me. Shipping included to anywhere in the contiguous USA. Will ask buyer to pay surcharge if in Hawaii or Alaska and will be asked to pay an extra 3% on the surcharge amount to cover Paypal fees.

Price is $575. Only selling because I'd like to get a 70cc.


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