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DLE 35 ra throttle

I cannot see the carb opening of a 35ra mounted on a Slick. I cannot see into the carb intake. I must install the throttle pushrod and set the throttle up in my transmitter. Problem, I don't know when the throttle is opened or closed when I move the carb throttle arm forward and backward when connected to the pushrod. Moving the pushrod forward toward the front of the plane does what., opens the throttle or closes the throttle? Hope one of you guys has a 35ra where you can see what happens. Thanks.


You could take the engine off, make sure the throttle is closed, then re mount it. Mount your throttle linkage to the carb in the closed position, and set your servo endpoint to match the linkage. Pull the throttle open by hand until it is wide open (you'll feel it hit the stop), then make your servo endpoint match the linkage at full throttle.


Damn I'm hungry
Most rear mounted carbs with the engine inverted will require the control rod to be pushed towards the engine to open the throttle as long as your throttle arm is pointing down. If it is pointing up ( like in the pic) then it needs to pull it open.


  • dle carb.jpg
    dle carb.jpg
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Thanks guys. I bought the plane used and was too lazy to take the engine off the plane. I have had 100's and 150's and you could feel the distinct stop when closing the butterfly. You could even hear it. The spring was removed from where it was so there is no tension . I just can't tell moving the pushrod back and forth on this engine. Guess it is best to take off the cowl and get a good look at things.