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RONNIE "raron455" my formal introduction

Hello Everyone,
My name is Ronnie Dean, My username is raron455
I am an honest person even if its not polite or hurtful I tell the truth and whats on my mind, so you always know where you stand with me, some people like that about me some hate it, nothing personal Just who I am..
I live in Robinson Texas (Waco) I am a member of HOTMAC rc club, and have been flying for about 1.5 years, I had a hard learning curve put my share of holes in the ground,, but I caught on quick, and am getting better, I am 37 years old, I work as a maintenance Tech/Electrician at Mars Chocolate in Waco. I like fast things, I have a street/strip car and a racing quad, My grandfather used to fly Rc planes and I always liked and wanted to do it,,Time went on and I grew up I ended up getting married to a woman 11yrs older than me with two kids, 9 and 7 at the time,, that was 18 years ago,, they are grown and on their own, we have 1 grandchild for now!!
My brother in-law rekindled the bug of rc planes in me in feb 2012,, and it has been my addiction since then. I started with a banana hobby foam f-16 EDF (I KNOW) then actually learned to fly on a powered glider SKY SURFER,, as I got better I moved on to foam aerobatic planes, A 55" sbach I got good on that, (after spiking a few of them) and then I wanted to move to a fuel plane,, was looking at all kinds of planes, and found a guy in Austin who was selling a 30% wild hare edge with a brison 52cc engine for 350$ What a steal Drove down to get it, and hanging from the ceiling was a GP pitts 33% my wife loved it and I asked how much,, Same price so for 700$ I had two nice big planes,, flew the tar out of them, lost the pitts to a snap roll I tried to do on take off,,(bad Idea) I had to build another one to keep the wife happy. I ended up knocking the gear out of that edge in a cross wind landing one day back at the beginning of this year, caught the edge of the runway on touchdown. I decided not to fix that plane it was old and I wanted something new..
SINCE THEN I have added a few planes, bought and sold some,, I like all planes,, I have had gasser p-51s and 3d planes , I fly a lot of aerobatics, Im not good/patient enough for IMAC, straight line just aint my thing, I am pretty good at aerobatic 3d style flying "or so I am told" ,, (except rolling harriers,,need more practice) I have seen 3d competition pilots and I am nowhere near that good. but I have fun and usually have an audience when I fly,,, they may be waiting for that THUD!!

My current hangar consist of...
-still have the sky-surfer
- (2) 40% 3w extra 330's one has 3w150 in it Sullivan smoke system, the other is just an airframe needing gear repair and a lil paint
-30% aerobeez slick 540 with a dle-55 in it this is my go to plane when I want to throw down on 3d
-hangar 9 giant scale P-47 razorback with a dle-55 in it
-hangar 9 .50 size corsair all e-flite power and retracts
-Great Planes Pitts S1 Dle-55 in it Sullivan smoke system,, this is what I like to fly at events (and people love this plane)
-Freewing Eruofighter typhoon 90mm EDF jet
-3DHS BIGFOOT I am currently building
-High wing 60 size trainer NITRO,, I got this slimer to help my wife learn how to fly

Well fellas that's me in a nutshell, I believe you can never learn to much, and I will always do what I can to help another learn from what I know or may have done already,,,
SO if you have any questions or there is something I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask..

The picture my wife took trying to convince me to sell my car (aint happening) pretty much shows my priorities at this time in my life...Im so hooked!!!


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