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Servo City Servo bus bar (poor mans power expander)


For those that don't already know about this nifty little product here is a brief description of how you can make sure those big, expensive, high-torque, current hungry servo's stay well fed. It's been pretty well established one or even two tiny JR connectors don't cut the mustard when powering large planes with multiple digital servo's. Servo city has a great solution for people that don't want to use "powersafe" receivers, or don't want to drop hundreds of $$ on little black and red boxes that not only handle high current loads, but are full of features Most smaller (50-100cc) planes just don't need. Not to mention the weight of such systems. This little bus bar won't isolate your RX from power drops or spikes, but it does insure that all your servo's and RX have access to all the juice your battery can throw at it!


I paid the extra $10 and had them solder all the pigtails to the actual bus for me, so all I that was left for me to do was solder my big Deans Ultra pigtail and RX power leads to the board. All you need is a decent soldering iron, some flux, wire strippers/ cutters, and a basic knowledge of soldering. If I hadn't soldered the wires onto the bottom of the board first, I would have been done in about 10 minutes start to finish- and that includes clean-up!


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