Kind of late to advertise, but the S'port Huckfest kicked off today. If you are able to make it this weekend, we'd love to have you. We have an awesome weekend of 3D MADNESS planned out and giving away some good stuff for pilot prizes as well as one bad ass raffle. Prizes include a Realflight6 Simulator, an aerobatic ride in a sho' nuff, FULL SCALE Extra 300L, and best of all, a ready to fly 3DHS 87" Extra 300SHP with a DA50, Futaba T8J radio system, Smart Fly Power Expander, Fromeco Batts, Airtronics Servos and Taildragger RC servo extensions. How cool is that!?! If you are within a 5 hour drive of us, it'll be worth the trip. 
more details here
more details here