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Tri-Village RC’ers Swap Shop Saturday, February 6th. Wheaton. IL


The 27th Annual Tri-Village RC’ers Swap Shop and static display will be held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 2016 at DuPage County Fairgrounds - 2015 West Manchester Lane, Wheaton, IL 60187 again this year.

Back for the second year is a static display on the stage. Entries are open to the public, so bring your best model! Everyone attending the swap meet is encouraged to vote for their favorite model in each category: *Best ARF Airplane*, *Best Kit / Scratch Built Airplane*, *Best Car*, *Most Unusual / Unique*, and *Best in Show*.

This venue offers: Free Parking, 8 ft. Tables (AC Power available at some tables), Wide Aisles. Food & Drinks. 50/50 Raffle Drawing (Minimum $100 prize) will be held at 12:00 Noon.

Doors open to the public at 9:00 AM General Admission: $5.00 - Kids 12 & Under are Free. Dedicated Selling Hours are 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


To register for tables, mail your payment and information to: Brian Eltherington · 5143 Chambers Dr. · Barrington, IL 60010 · Make Checks Payable to: Tri-Village RC’ers

No reservation will be accepted without payment. 1 free admission per table.

Tables registered by Jan 22nd, 2016 are $20.00 each. If purchasing 3 or more tables they are discounted to $18.00 each. Table space is limited - so please register early. Please send the following information with your registration if not using a form: Name, Address, City, State, Zip , Telephone, Email, (Website if you have a related business), Number of tables purchased.

Please indicate if you have any table choices and if you require AC Power. 30% of the tables have wall space, but always sell out early. We will try to accommodate specific table requests, however, Tri-Village RC’ers reserves the right to make all table assignments.

Vendor setup begins at 7:00 AM - No early entry allowed. Vendors must check in at the main door before setting up. (express check-in cards will be mailed to you for pre-paid tables) Any tables available after Jan 22nd, 2016 are $25.00 each.

For more information, prefer you please send me an email: FlyBri@comcast.net or call Brian (847) 567-7125 (after 6:00 pm or leave a message anytime).


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