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WOAP! June 4th, 2016 - Texas - Apache Pass

Come join us in Central Texas for this "can't miss" event!

June 4th, 2016
2nd Annual Wings Over Apache Pass Fun F

• Open flying
• All types of fixed-wing planes welcome
• Bring your self-lit night fliers
• Great Raffle + Pilot Prizes
• Lots of room to fly, plus trails and hiking
• Free for non-flying guests & spectators
• $20 Pilot registration – pre-registration available on “RC Flightdeck”
• “Early bird” pot-luck dinner Friday night
• Great family-friendly venue
• On-site Ice house & Steakhouse
• On-site RV park w/hookups $10/night
• Saturday night “WOAP Jam”! Bring your guitar, drumsticks, a bucket, a washboard & spoons, or anything else for an after hours strum/sing along

Apache Pass is located in Downtown Texas, TX, just outside of Rockdale. The property is rich in history and is nestled alongside the El Camino Real De Los Tejas, with is a National Historic Trail. For more information on the historical significance of this location, please visit:http://www.apachepass.com/about-us---history.html

Please visit our website (www.flyapachepass.com) and our Facebook page for discussion, pictures & updates.

Questions? Call or text Jeff Schultze @ 936-443-4385


  • Woap Flyer 2016.pdf
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Quick status update on WOAP...we are aware of the chance for severe weather and we are watching the forecasts very closely.

Forecasts have improved significantly in just one day, so let's all hope that they continue in that direction. Flying is fun, but safety takes priority.

Either way, we will make a "go/no-go" announcement no later than noon on Thursday.

Stay tuned! WOAP!


GSN Contributor
Hope the weather cooperates for the fly in. It's been really unpredictable just a few miles away here in San Antonio. We'll be forecasted for heavy rain that doesn't show, and the next day 20% chance turns into a day of relentless thunderstorms.
***WOAP 2016 is being rescheduled***

Due to the severe weather in and around central TX and the associated flooding in the forecast, we are postponing the WOAP event and rescheduling for July 23, 2016.

All pre-registrations will be good for the new date and the Yeti cooler pre-registration drawing will happen then as well. Tell all your friends that they have some extra time to get in on the action!

Thanks for understanding and stay safe out there!