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Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Sorry, time is limited so I can't do my normal two day ARF build. With luck I'll get done earlier with work today, servos should be here tomorrow.

@Islandflyer will have to answer the availability once we get flight testing done. This is great timing for flight testing since Nall is coming and lots of events in June.
That is correct! No time line until we get testing done and we are satisfied with he performance.
When we hit it the first time, it takes only one prototype (like the Extras). Some are more difficult to refine until we are satisfied (like the Sukhoi which took 6 prototype versions).


Damn I'm hungry
Very NICE Terry. Just looking at it (and the yellow white black scheme) screams success.

Looking forward when PAU has them available. Hopeful the first proto knocks it out of the park!


70cc twin V2
Terry, thanks for taking the time to post the hints & tips. Question...
Roughly how long does it take you to build & cover the 100cc Viper?


70cc twin V2
I'm glad I "happened up" on Terry. I'd spoken with him a couple of times on different threads about an engine issue, and he sends me his cell number and tells me to call if I need help. He's also answered numerous questions about other things. And of course, I always enjoy seeing his building/shop video.

Two thumbs up for Mr. Terry...