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Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!


GSN Contributor
Well I learned long time ago Not to argue with the LAW, it never speeds things up. I'll wait impatiently, and stay up past my bed time to see this video, BUT I'm not happy bout it:lol2:
Its worth the wait. I was able to make it out to watch on person. Awesome plane.


70cc twin V2
I got my repainted parts back from my friend Pedro who did a beautiful job matching the colors. Back to work finishing for the week-end.
I don't like the covering possibly getting wrinkled inside the canopy, on top of the dash, where I cannot access with an iron to fix it, so I remove a piece of covering, and paint it flat black.
I trace the outline on the covering, and I make sure the cut line is under the painted part of the canopy, about 1/2" inside the outline.View attachment 18010
I did that to mine as well. Good suggestion for sure.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I'm working on the vids and first if you have ever watched any of @thelaw 's videos you know that she always does a kick ass job of following airplanes, zooming and getting all the action. Well, maiden flight day ended up being WINDY and full sun with no clouds and the camera would not focus if she zoomed.:( Weather man get's a solid D- for the forecast. For those of you warm climate folks that have not flown in blowing 60 degree air, it really grabs your airplane hard. Next week they are calling for upper 70's so first calm chance we are going to shoot a proper maiden video!!!!
In a nut shell the plane required one click of aileron for straight and level flight and the rudder is dead on. It was too windy all day to do a really accurate rudder trim for up / downlines and to really fine tune the expos and that stuff but by the fourth flight things were getting a lot more comfortable.

Flight report after three windy flights:
- Trim was not an issue with only one click of aileron after take-off, kept waiting for more but that's all it took
- I calculated the CG for neutral and it was dead nuts on. I fly very neutral being that at half throttle inverted the nose just barely falls down.
- Pitch and roll coupling..........What pitch and roll coupling?!?!??!? Like nothing I've flown for an ARF before. I'll fine tune when I get a calm day but I literally have no detectable roll coupling and the KE coupling ended up at 2% left rudder and 1.5% on right rudder. If you've never done KE mixing before 3% or less is just about nothing. I KE mix everything, even my foamies (yea, don't laugh till you try it) and I'm still shaking my head.
- The KE spins are off the hook, waterfalls you swear the prop is going to bite the rudder. Pop tops are VERY cool and as mentioned as tempted as I was I did not do any crankshafts but I can only guess.....
- The DLE120 is crazy power for this plane so the DA120 is going to be just plain silly.



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640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I'm working on the vids and first if you have ever watched any of @thelaw 's videos you know that she always does a kick ass job of following airplanes, zooming and getting all the action. Well, maiden flight day ended up being WINDY and full sun with no clouds and the camera would not focus if she zoomed.:( Weather man get's a solid D- for the forecast. For those of you warm climate folks that have not flown in blowing 60 degree air, it really grabs your airplane hard. Next week they are calling for upper 70's so first calm chance we are going to shoot a proper maiden video!!!!
In a nut shell the plane required one click of aileron for straight and level flight and the rudder is dead on. It was too windy all day to do a really accurate rudder trim for up / downlines and to really fine tune the expos and that stuff but by the fourth flight things were getting a lot more comfortable.

Flight report after three windy flights:
- Trim was not an issue with only one click of aileron after take-off, kept waiting for more but that's all it took
- I calculated the CG for neutral and it was dead nuts on. I fly very neutral being that at half throttle inverted the nose just barely falls down.
- Pitch and roll coupling..........What pitch and roll coupling?!?!??!? Like nothing I've flown for an ARF before. I'll fine tune when I get a calm day but I literally have no detectable roll coupling and the KE coupling ended up at 2% left rudder and 1.5% on right rudder. If you've never done KE mixing before 3% or less is just about nothing. I KE mix everything, even my foamies (yea, don't laugh till you try it) and I'm still shaking my head.
- The KE spins are off the hook, waterfalls you swear the prop is going to bite the rudder. Pop tops are VERY cool and as mentioned as tempted as I was I did not do any crankshafts but I can only guess.....
- The DLE120 is crazy power for this plane so the DA120 is going to be just plain silly.

View attachment 18081 View attachment 18082 View attachment 18087
Terry, the plane looks awesome. Glad to hear it flys as good as it looks. Congrats to you and PAU.

Also, the Law takes awesome pictures.:way_to_go:


640cc Uber Pimp
Editing these vids to make them descent I can't wait for a calm day to get out and really get a serious test drive. It's going to be one of those planes that just floats around on the deck but has enough mass and horsepower to really get wrapped up. Herve may get out with his before I get my next chance......I'll be eagerly awaiting his reaction.

LAW has been giving me crap because I don't normally fly this high pretty much ever. But I've never flown a one of a kinda airplane prototype in 20mph winds either!;)
