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2015 FBI Corn Huck - Who Wants a FREE RTF PAU 60 - 60cc SUKHOI?!?!?!


Ok guys, you ready for a pretty awesome deal that Terry and the FBI boys whipped up? From what I hear, Terry, The Law and a bunch of the FBI guys grabbed Herve from PAU, ductaped him inside a trailer and made him look at another website until he agreed to give them a PAU plane to give away at the 2015 Corn Huck. After 1.4 GRUELING seconds Herve relinquished a 50-60cc PAU Sukhoi!!

Now this airframe alone would be a killer raffle prize, but for Terry and the FBI guys that was no way near cool enough so they are giving it away Ready To FLY!!

SO let's hear what the guys have going on straight from them:

"FBI boy's join with PAU to make this years Corn Huck an event you CAN'T MISS!!!"

What we are doing:

Last summer I built a PAU Sukhoi as a demo for Herve at PAU. We flew it at several events and got more than 40 people to test drive it (two to three per flight). It has a total of less than 50 flights on it. This year at Corn Huck we are going to give that sucker away!!!! Herve is donating the plane and the FBI crew and myself are donating all of the internals to make this an RXR give-away.

The lucky winner can literally win it and fly it right then and there.
I will have a receiver in it for the event and it is ready to go.

Items included:

- 30% PAU Sukhoi donated my Herve at PAU, assembled by Terryscustom
Sukhoi SU 26m- 50 to 60cc [30% Sukhoi SU-26M] - $639.99 : Performance Aircraft Unlimited, We put the scale back into aerobatics and 3D!

- DLE61 engine with stock muffler - Donated by Terryscustom

- Hitec Servos, SWB arms, taildragger wires and HD switches - Donated by Terryscustom and the FBI crew

- Fully assembled and ready to fly less your reciever!!!

- This is nearly a $2000 package and YOU can win and fly the same day it if you attend the FBI Cornhuck on June 25-28!!!!

The FBI crew is working on plans for what you need to do to win via raffle tickets and / or pilot registration and that information will be posted soon!!!



70cc twin V2
Oh Snap! There it is. This plane is awesome. I have personally flown it many times. I'll be buying my raffle tickets!

We have at least 2 other big announcements coming with other vendors. Please watch our page in the events section.


640cc Uber Pimp
That's right, great idea to register for this event if you have not already. You do need to be present to win!!!!!!!!

The plane has been set up and I have it all mixed out on a DX18 so if the winner should happen to have one of those we could transfer the program and they could fly it right then.


640cc Uber Pimp
CHECK IT OUT!!! Our good friend Chad @Taildraggerrc stepped up and donated a fuel tank for this plane!!! This is his new style tank and I understand that is first shipment sold out as soon as it hit his warehouse so keep an eye out for them.

These things are sweet, I ordered four from the first batch for myself. The bottle is much more rigid than many other tanks and even the 32oz is stronger than a Fiji bottle and still extremely light. They have an aluminum cap with an O-ring seal, the fittings on top are metal and have an O-ring seal on the outside of the bottle with a nut on the inside. Also the clunk line is safety wired in place.

Give them a shot next time you need a tank.


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