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17DEC2015, AMA Says DO NOT REGISTER.........yet



Well thanks to the FAA and the total lack of AMA doing anything... We just lost 14 clubs in the DC area including one that hosts 3 iMac contests a year! And the one I fly at


Matt....why did we lose 14 clubs? I know this FAA BS is exactly that...BS....but don't understand your statement?


Matt....why did we lose 14 clubs? I know this FAA BS is exactly that...BS....but don't understand your statement?
I understand the below to be a message from AMA sent to the DC area clubs. I truly feel for the members of these clubs but at least it appears the AMA is working for a solution (underlined).

"My Dear Clubs in and around the DC SFRA,
Let me first say Merry Christmas to one and all and I hope Santa was good to you.
The FAA has requested we stop operations at our AMA fields that are inside the DC Special Flight Rules Area for the DC area called the DC SFRA. The letter attached is from Ray Stinchcomb our District IV Government Relations Coordinator with an explanation of the action by the FAA.
You will not need to close the field, only cease operations temporarily, no flying of anything, until mid-January when we expect to get permission to continue operations for all fields.
By the FAA’s count there are 36 flying sites within the DC SFRA. AMA can account for 14 of those. Please pass the word to the Drone User Groups that they need to stop operations too. The FAA did indicate they were going to use law enforcement to enforce this.
One of our AVPs, Rick Moreland, will be contacting you offering to help find fields for our members to use in the interim. I have CC all of your addresses and I hope you will contact each other and work together to help each other and make this as painless as possible. Sorry folks, but we have to comply with the FAA.
Effective as soon as you can please post this suggested sign at your flying site.

Sorry to have to give you this news but it is necessary and I promise the District IV staff and AMA will continue to resolve this as soon as possible. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me."


Matt....why did we lose 14 clubs? I know this FAA BS is exactly that...BS....but don't understand your statement?
As suds said... There are 14 clubs in the sfra or 30 miles from DC... The FAA sneakingly changed it from no models in the FRZ to now no models in the sfra... This was in September and the AMA didn't do anything to get an exception or anything... So Christmas Day we all got emails that the 14 clubs are "temporarily" closed... We will see how temporary it is... But merry Christmas from our district VP...

Oh by the way as of last week he sent this email:


Yes continue to fly until someone tells you not to and then let me know.

There was some concern when Fort Lee, VA withheld approval of the club’s annual renewal last week because an evaluation down from the chain of command needed to be made. That decision was made yesterday and the field was approved to be renewed. We felt this had more to do with terrorism than the FAA in protecting the active military base. The military decided we were an asset to have observing their property and reporting anything out of the ordinary.

Our fields are an asset wherever we are and it’s our desire for the government to recognize that.


He knew the law and still told us to break the law! I have a real sore spot for him right now...
As suds said... There are 14 clubs in the sfra or 30 miles from DC... The FAA sneakingly changed it from no models in the FRZ to now no models in the sfra... This was in September and the AMA didn't do anything to get an exception or anything... So Christmas Day we all got emails that the 14 clubs are "temporarily" closed... We will see how temporary it is... But merry Christmas from our district VP...


Which is EXACTLY why noone should register. You said it in your first 2 lines..... The FAA is sneakingly changing rules as they go.


Which is EXACTLY why noone should register. You said it in your first 2 lines..... The FAA is sneakingly changing rules as they go.
Yes sir bunky I Am with you... I am holding off on registering for sure... There is also a ton of fine print once you register... They will own us... Sure it starts as $5 per pilot what about in 3 years??? $5 per plane or $50 per pilot?? I am not a fan of all this big brother...


70cc twin V2
Yes sir bunky I Am with you... I am holding off on registering for sure... There is also a ton of fine print once you register... They will own us... Sure it starts as $5 per pilot what about in 3 years??? $5 per plane or $50 per pilot?? I am not a fan of all this big brother...

This is the one thing I think is of the smallest concern for me. When I see the FAA increase the current $5 3-year registration fee on a $65 million B-777 then I'll start being concerned about them jacking up the fees for us.

For me, the single biggest sticking point is that the current registration process requires that you accept a 400 foot altitude limit. You have to check a box that says "I intend to fly below 400 feet." So the FAA is effectively putting a de facto rule in place. Worse, most every single LEO, local government and the public/media, will embrace the idea that there is a hard 400 foot operating limit. Many clubs currently have leases that require them to stay below 400 feet, and many more will likely see this in future leases if this incorrect impression of the actual law stands.