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17DEC2015, AMA Says DO NOT REGISTER.........yet



This is the one thing I think is of the smallest concern for me. When I see the FAA increase the current $5 3-year registration fee on a $65 million B-777 then I'll start being concerned about them jacking up the fees for us.

For me, the single biggest sticking point is that the current registration process requires that you accept a 400 foot altitude limit. You have to check a box that says "I intend to fly below 400 feet." So the FAA is effectively putting a de facto rule in place. Worse, most every single LEO, local government and the public/media, will embrace the idea that there is a hard 400 foot operating limit. Many clubs currently have leases that require them to stay below 400 feet, and many more will likely see this in future leases if this incorrect impression of the actual law stands.
Ha 400 feet is such a joke!! At any given iMac contest the advanced and unlimited pilots are over 1200 feet... 400 feet would kill iMac all together.. Actually it would kill turbines as well because when everyone does the huge loops and half Cubans they are also above 1000'... The only way I have solid proof is that my father was flying his full scale around when we were at a contest a couple years ago and he was at 1200 and an airplane was above him... 40% airplanes take a long time to look small


70cc twin V2
FYI several clubs in the area had tacit approval from different people in the FAA. This is why the AMA didn't do anything. They thought everything was cool. It was a flyer in one of the clubs who used to work for the FAA who kept calling until he found someone at the FAA who said we have to stop.

Don't blame the AMA for this one. They are only enforcing this action brought on by a flyer who thought he was being helpful which, of course, he was not.
We got the same e-mail that Suds got but it was sent to us by the PGRC/Capi team. They also forwarded the e-mail from the FAA's Brian Throop and the District 4 AMA VP, Jay. Here is the part from Brian at the FAA and the resulting requests from Jay at the AMA.

FWIW :nightmare:

Good morning everyone.

As we continue our efforts to develop a plan for the resumption of model aircraft operations in the Washington, D.C. Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA), we are hearing reports that some individuals may be flying inside the SFRA even though they know it is in violation of the current airspace restrictions. We are asking for your help in spreading the word to the National Capitol Region model aircraft community that such activity is subject to enforcement action, and could damage our efforts to secure the interagency concurrence that is critical to this effort. As I have told many of you over the last weeks and months, there is increasing governmental support to make this happen, both within FAA and the whole of government, but our combined efforts could easily be delayed, or derailed entirely, by any incidents that involve folks knowingly operating within the SFRA in violation of current airspace restrictions. We know that the vast, vast majority of model aircraft hobbyists/enthusiasts, whether they are members of a formal organization or not, wholeheartedly follow the rules, police themselves and others, and do everything they can to operate safely and legitimately. Anything you can do to help us get the word out would be deeply appreciated. The last thing anyone wants to hear from the federal government is “be patient”, but you folks have been patient, and understanding, and we sincerely appreciate both as we work to try and get you back in the air.

On another note, many of you have invited FAA and our interagency security partners to come out and visit your flying sites and talk to your members, etc. We appreciate the invites and have extended them to our interagency law enforcement and security partners. We hope to take you up on the invitations in the near future. Additionally, I know that many of your members and fellow model aircraft enthusiasts have questions and concerns, about both the SFRA issue and model aircraft operations in general. I would be happy to address them directly, either in person or via telcon or email, and I’m sure my partners from FAA Legal, the UAS Integration Office, and Flight Standards would be more than willing to join in the discourse. If you are interested in such a discussion, just let me know.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you.


Brian Throop


From: Jay Marsh, AMA Vice President District IV
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2015 7:19 PM
Subject: DC SFRA is a NO FLY ZONE

My Dear Clubs in and around the DC SFRA,

Let me first say Merry Christmas to one and all and I hope Santa was good to you.

The FAA has requested we stop operations at our AMA fields that are inside the DC Special Flight Rules Area for the DC area called the DC SFRA. The letter attached is from Ray Stinchcomb our District IV Government Relations Coordinator with an explanation of the action by the FAA.

You will not need to close the field, only cease operations temporarily, no flying of anything, until mid-January when we expect to get permission to continue operations for all fields.

By the FAA’s count there are 36 flying sites within the DC SFRA. AMA can account for 14 of those. Please pass the word to the Drone User Groups that they need to stop operations too. The FAA did indicate they were going to use law enforcement to enforce this.

One of our AVPs, Rick Moreland, will be contacting you offering to help find fields for our members to use in the interim. I have CC all of your addresses and I hope you will contact each other and work together to help each other and make this as painless as possible. Sorry folks, but we have to comply with the FAA.

Effective as soon as you can please post this suggested sign at your flying site.





Sorry to have to give you this news but it is necessary and I promise the District IV staff and AMA will continue to resolve this as soon as possible. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
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I love how he actually said merry Christmas... To those of us that got new toys... Yay we can't even play with them


Maybe I missed it, but did the FAA say WHY they were instituting a no-fly inside the DC SFRA??????
I see a lot of "read in between the lines" type statements in there.

What if we all go out and set up our planes and just taxi entire tanks as a form of protest like the striking truckers did around the DC beltway?

I mean, we're not flying right?




Maybe I missed it, but did the FAA say WHY they were instituting a no-fly inside the DC SFRA??????
That is just it Earle... Nope they never said and it was never really widely publicisided... They decided in September to change the sfra from a TFR to a perminant thing... In the new flight restriction they just say no model aircraft... They actually use the word model aircraft also not drone or uas... That is why I am not holding my breath on anything like this being a temporary thing


70cc twin V2
That is just it Earle... Nope they never said and it was never really widely publicisided... They decided in September to change the sfra from a TFR to a perminant thing... In the new flight restriction they just say no model aircraft... They actually use the word model aircraft also not drone or uas... That is why I am not holding my breath on anything like this being a temporary thing

Isn't this against Sec. 336 of the 2012 FAA Modernization Act? Seems like the FAA is completely ignoring that provision.