Well I bent over and registered friday. It really pissed me off while doing so, because the whole time the FAA site had a picture of a quad and said "register your drone".
Also had a club meeting yesterday and yes we will be requiring rc pilots to be registered with the FAA before they can fly openly or at events. We fly (rent free) on a coal ash site, so to keep in good graces with the owners, we thought it would be best. Just in case something bad was to happen we wouldn't get kicked off the property.
How many others clubs are starting to require this? I imagine all will. Any clubs had their meetings and discussed this yet?
I have flown at your club before at a fun fly event. I think it was two years ago. I won the swanyhouse raffle prize you had. Knowing your location, I do understand why your club thinks it best to register.
I am in two different clubs in my neck of the woods and neither has had their meetings concerning this yet. I am VP of one, yet we really are not pressed to require it but that particular club is so laid back club. We only have about 15 members and have no real rules except respect each other. I am guessing most of that club folks will register on their own just because and won't be an issue.
One of the clubs I am in is going bye bye because the land they are own is being sold. It went up for sale some months ago. As a matter of fact we have an emergency meeting next week to discuss a land issue (I am guessing there is a contract on it now and they are desperate - just a hunch though).
That club has close to a hundred members and have several yearly events so this is not good for those guys. Some of them may come the way of our small club but we have a cap of around 15 members. We may allow 20, but I expect that would be the limit.
I mentioned to them immediately after I heard the land was for sale to get busy and look for land and not to wait around because when a land buyer comes in you only have a short period of time before you are out. I gave them a couple leads as well.
They kept saying, no big deal we have a year because the landowner said so. I knew better as I have dealt in real estate off and on most of my life. You don't tell a potential buyer, we have to settle in a year. That don't slice it.