Damn I'm hungry
FAA can work the legislative!....... first it is made public law (bill) so any previously established public law can be superseded ( even ratified through the senate or voted on as a bill through Congress). These laws are commonly known as "tort laws" (where damages and compensation can be sought). I do not see how they can legally impose this HUGE fine just yet though! Eventually it has to be put before Congress and become an ACT and not a bill and be entered into the CFR (Code of Federal regulations) because the FAA has initiated the process through public law (bill). Just say'n, the" pre-verbal trail "
rolls down hill"...... SO........We will also be looking at penalty ( possibly ) at the state and municipal levels as well because most states adopt federal regulation if they want to see federal dollars for their airports, Hwy's etc...etc... This was mentioned by @dhal22 in the expression of Hwy money from the Fed. So to those who will stand firm and not register you can probably (more absolutely) Look at jail time and a fine. You knows hows we likes to lock each other up and eat that fine cuisine and sleep on that nice comfy mattress