I like 'em "BIG"!
What do you do on a blustery February afternoon when it is too cold and the wind is blowing too hard to fly? Well, you put stripes and graphics on your 50% Edge 540. I was afraid I would not have enough Missile Red left over from the aft turtle deck and rudder, but it worked out just right. Got the stripes down and transplanted the "Edge 540" graphics. Not sure yet Terry if I am going to leave the rudder all red or dream up something cool. I am actually open to suggestions here. As for the checks, more checks. LOL.... Not sure how I would incorporate them and still make it look good. Suggestions Chris? Anyway, It is starting to look like I was hoping it would. I am pretty certain it will not be missed in a big blue sky. I need to find a really cool looking Earle @Pistolera style pilot for this big boy. Can't be having such a nice looking instrument panel and no pilot?! That would just be not right. I still have "A LOT" I want to do to really sharpen this thing up. Originally I was going to go slow but now I see that getting in on it now still may not be enough time to do all I want to do. Guess I will just keep plugging away.