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Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!


Nice vids and performance. I'm liking the plane, but the cowl needs a VIPER touch to it on the paint! I think the timing is gonna be perfect for me. You guys wring it out and get it all ready while I finish up my shop. Then I'll be able to put one together


640cc Uber Pimp
Very nice Terry. Looks like a winner!

Notice that the Viper does the "crashflow" at 5:30:dancing-chicken:

I was able to test out the slow KE flight a few times and although I'm to chicken to get those down super low it locks in pretty well. I don't have any rudder to aileron mixing yet and still feels like maybe 1.5% would be max may be in order.

I've got the flaps set at about 75% which seems to be about right and does require a little bit of down elevator mixing.

These engines make good power but with the J&A mufflers it has developed a lot more punch on the bottom almost like the DA120. I'm going to have to dial in a little throttle curve to tame it down when the nose is pointed straight up.
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70cc twin V2
It doesn't look like you are hurting for vertical punch-out at all!

Reminds me of the early days when the DA 50's were a new thing and we were putting them on the smaller, 25-30%ish airframes like the DP Extra and tossing them around like rag dolls! Good times!!




GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I got 5 very windy flights on Saturday, and I am still working on the program: the controls have more authority than most of our other planes. With very low rates, this plane can track like the best, and flies like a trainer. Throw in the high rates, and this thing gets WILD!!!:devil-dance:
In the hands of the more competent younger pilots (Dean, Gaby and the likes), be prepared to see some wild stuff!
I am so not used to SFG's (never had them before), I forgot to bring them.
If the weather cooperates, I will try them on Sunday.


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