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EG 100cc Slick 540 from Aztech Aeromodels


Maiden went great! Only one really short flight though because the sun was pretty much already down and we could BARELY see the plane. It was so dark that as i was landing they were getting ready to turn on the lights on for night flying. Only needed a few click of elevator trim and it was locked in. No 3D yet since i'm breaking in my engine but the precision is AMAZING! The Slick can draw great lines. Didn't get any video but it was really dark and you couldn't see the plane on video anyway. I'll get some video of Harv flying Azhar's Slick on Saturday. It'll be a much more entertaining video since the engine on that plane is broken in....and it has smoke :D Maybe i can get a flight on that one too :flyer:

I'll get plenty of pics and videos and post them up Sunday.
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Got at least a gallon through the slick over the weekend and i'm LOVING it! I should have a video posted later tonight. Had a ton of people asking about the plane too. We even let a few people test fly the blue slick Azhar brought. It was looking great out there and everyone seemed to be diggin' slick. :thumbup:
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Here it is in action...I brought the wrong lens but i tried to make it work. The video is from the 5th and 6th flight on the plane/engine. Hope you enjoy! [video=youtube;90c4q8MZC7U]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90c4q8MZC7U[/video]