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Sport JTEC RADIOWAVE 26% Pitts Model 12


640cc Uber Pimp
If your feeling really really ambitious there is always this one. ;)

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I like 'em "BIG"!
Well...interesting thing here. I am no longer limited to straight lines and separated colors and ruler cut stripes. I do not own a laze cutter or any fancy-dancy drafting equipment. I stumbled across something yesterday that is going to open up my scheme options for this Pitts. See, I'm kind of anal in some respects. If I can see a a line out of whack or a crooked arched stripe, it just bugs me. Such is the case with my repaired Yak. I didn't like the repairs on the covering of the top-right wing. The arched stripes were not uniform. And since I replaced the entire white panel only, then stripes, I wanted it right. I stripped the entire top of the right wing yesterday and started over. Normally I would have just ordered the pre-cut stripes from Tony. But $106.00 for just the stripes was a bit more than I wanted to pay. Besides, it would cut into my budget for this plane. I went to the craft store and picked up some 1/8" foam board and "tack" adhesive spray and went to work making my own replacement stripes. Much more thrifty especially since I had three brand new and three partial rolls of black, green and silver covering. And needless to say, once I had those stripes cut and layed in place...as anal as I am I couldn't tell the difference from the professionally machine cut stripes. I'll post some photos and explanation later but for now, I am totally jacked at the field of schemes that has been opened up with just a little craftiness. Lol. Really strange how those compasses, protractors, rulers and pencils can become so much fun. The scheme on the Pitts is going to be awesome fun now.:banana-dance:


Yup I do the same thing except I cut mine out of dollar tree poster board. Once I have that cut right I just spray water down on a piece of glass. Lay the covering color side up down and the water holds it to the glass really well. Then I lay my template out over the covering how I want it and use masking tape it hold it to the covering. Then its as simple as carefully tracing around your template with the hobby knife. Be sure to use straight edges for long straight cuts though.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Yup I do the same thing except I cut mine out of dollar tree poster board. Once I have that cut right I just spray water down on a piece of glass. Lay the covering color side up down and the water holds it to the glass really well. Then I lay my template out over the covering how I want it and use masking tape it hold it to the covering. Then its as simple as carefully tracing around your template with the hobby knife. Be sure to use straight edges for long straight cuts though.
Nice idea. I have been looking at some really wild schemes that used to appear too complex to duplicate. But now, should be a breeze. But that being said, I think I am going to go with a really "classy" look mixed with some holographic effects. I guess I need to start building it before I get too far ahead of myself huh? LOL