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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
Woo Hoo! I have figured it out, you know, why the ele is trimmed down. I have been racking my brain over this as it just did not make sense to be with it not being tail heavy. Well, turns out it is tail heavy. Here is what happened. I was trying to figure out how to send the spreadsheet to a friend where he could open it, turns out it is his computer and not the spreadsheet. Anyway, while I was working with it I decided to run the numbers one more time. Yea, I'm anal enough to have wrote down the figures. And the first time I looked at it and thought "Yep, it says I am nose heavy". And just as I cleared it something went "Whoaa dum azz". So I punched them in again and it turns out I was reading the results wrong, the spreadsheet was telling me what the tail wheel should weigh and for some reason I was reading it as to what it does weigh. I have no idea why, I mean come on, I just typed in the actual weight, but somehow. Duhhhhh!!! It is a tad bit tail heavy which for this plane is very tail heavy as it really needs to be nose heavy. So, next week I will move as much possible forward but until then I will add some nose weight and see how it goes.

Argggg, I'm an idiot.


I'm trying to find the right prop for my 250...tried a couple of 32 inch options, but maybe I should consider longer ones for better speed. At 55 pounds, Ir's never going to be a rocket, but it just feels slow.


640cc Uber Pimp
For speed you want more pitch less diameter, for power more diameter less pitch.
What 250 is it?


640cc Uber Pimp
As a profile flyer I can only talk of my experience. And it has been mine that for more pulling out power a larger diameter less pitch pulls better than the opposed. Below is my current fish out of water, a Swany house Primo on 20cc gas, ended up with a large flat prop to yank out easily. Same goes for the Extras, Edges, and the Ultimate.
Right now the Pitts is propped for power with a 34x12 and is slow but come Friday it is getting some speed with a 32x14.


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