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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


New to GSN!
Have any of you guys built the Andy Sheber Design/Bob Dively Pitts S-2? I've had a kit on the shelf for about "I hate to say how many years", and contemplated actually building it. After I finish recovering my Cermark Pitts, framing my Midwest Super Stinker, and a few other projects that is. I've heard some negative comments about the kit, but it looks good to me.


640cc Uber Pimp
I built the Sheber S1 from a set of plans. Would like to do an S2, especially from a kit.


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640cc Uber Pimp
From experience I can honestly say, it's not as much wood as it look's like. These EMHW kits are exceptionally well designed with nothing excess or of no need, very much like an ARF.
I am also very happy to see someone else building one. Hopefully you (@Jaketab) will continue to post your build here. Finding builds of these birds are far and few between.


640cc Uber Pimp
As for me and the build, I am back at it, a little anyways. When I decided to take a break from it because of the heat the wife asked if I would build a master bath on to the house. The bath is enclosed and ready for interior work but along with building it I also re-roofed and am installing vinyl siding around the whole thing. I am wore out and taking a break from home building/remodeling.
I have epoxied wood blocks into the pants to level up the mount, they will get sanded square with the gear leg so as to sit square with the airframe and ground. I should have these complete today. I picked up an 8-32 bolt, blind nut, and brass tube for building in the top wing joiner. The joiner will be worked on tomorrow.
These are the last task prior to covering.


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