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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


Next step for me is the aileron. The task at hand is to profile shape the leading edge to a 1" diameter. Then to cut a slot for the hinge tab.
I made a test mock up or the aileron leading edge to test the difficulty of cutting a slot for the hinge tab. Dremel tool works good on this.
Question - best method for plaining an even 1" half round shape across the length of the aileron ?????



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640cc Uber Pimp
For the aileron leading edge rounding, PVC lined with sand paper works great or (like I use) a router table with a roundover bit. On the second pic, I carved a hardwood block to cap over the hinge thereby strengthening the area. Not that it is needed with the rod through design but it made me feel better.


Yes, to ply reinforce the back side is a give me.
I had in mind to plane off most of the excess. Then bore a 1 - 1/16" hole in a hardwood block, cut the block in half, and line with sandpaper.
The block would serve as a true uniform plane gauge.
Your tip just saved me an hours time.

On the test jig that I made, the balsa splinters. So after cutting the initial slot, I hardened with CA and was able to sand out the rest of the hinge slot with a cleaner look.


640cc Uber Pimp
Glad to of been some help.
Everything is done on the Bulldog. It will get loaded into the trailer when I return from the field tomorrow and taken to be shipped on Monday.


Cap strip & decking question. The wider 25mm strip (Querruderabdeckung) covers the upper and lower trailing edge spar on the aileron sections only???? It extends slightly beyond the trailing edge and slightly over the leading edge of the aileron ?????
The 15mm cap strips are used everywhere else on the ribs ???? Correct - yes/no.

Thanks - Jaketab


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640cc Uber Pimp
This and the following fourteen post are of the assembly.
Please make special note's to the following!!!!!
First thing to do is turn on the radio and set the servo endpoints to zero or as low as they will go.
The cowl bolts have not been thread locked, proceed accordingly.
The tail wheel wheel collar has not been thread locked, proceed accordingly.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the airframe fully before assembly.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Slide the pant partially onto the wheel shaft then the aluminum wheel collar flanged side outward, then the wheel, next is the standard wheel collar, then slide the pant until the wheel shaft goes into the block wood on the inside of the outside.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Slide the lower wing halves partially onto the lower wing tube, insert the servo wires, slide wing to butt against fuse and insert wing bolt, connect servo wires.


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