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Real Flight 8 (RF8)... It's Here!!!

I recently acquired Real Flight 8 and loaded onto my 'puter.
What a hoot!
I have been out of the main loop for a few years as I have started over with kids, married a beautiful (and younger ;) ) lady... so have been busy with that. Well... the youngest is getting a bit more independent, so I am burning back into my old ways.... what a way to get back..... with Real Flight 8!!
Tower has some rebate action going on now.....
If you want the Tx included: https://www.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin...?&I=LXGWCM&P=3
or if you still have a controller from a previous version: https://www.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin...?&I=LXGWCN&P=3
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It takes about 6 to 10 minutes to install....
The "Default" airplane when you first start it up is the "Thunderbolt Sbach 35%"....
Real Flight makes it super easy to tweak and modify the default planes.....

Click "Aircraft"... click "EDIT (Name of Active Model Here)" and you can get right into tweaking to your personal preference!!
I moved the CG back an inch, changed the "Vehicle Graphical Scale (%)" to 185 and increased the Elevator deflection to 45 degrees.... (Oh yeah... change the Prop Graphical scale too if you want it to look right!!)

That right there makes the default Sbach pretty dang good!!


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And for those who fly Mode 1, Like me, QQ, Hanno, (or any other Mode for that matter)... it is really easy to move the Ratchet, Lever and Spring in the controller, and in the software, you can select under the "Simulation" option, "Select Controller" and then choose "Edit".... a small window pops up and you can assign controls to the various sticks and switches... sort of like the "Function" menu on Futaba radios....


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640cc Uber Pimp
Did not know there was an 8 . Was on the fence because of all the bad feed back about the RF10 it seemed that it was built for the IT guys and not for everyday RC person trying to improve his flying skills.