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This is the third one i have been involved in. And i wont paint another one all put together. If i were you, i would make your son paint it.[emoji12]


I like 'em "BIG"!
You know he wants a pull on that big 260. tell him no paint no pull.lol heck i would paint your house to get a pull on that beast.
Weeeell, dad already let him pull on them sticks. That's what hooked him on the bigger stuff. But... since a certain dad did get him a 43% PAU Edge....you might be on to something there. Lol. Thank you by the way. I love that big blue bird. Anytime ya want to yank on it, come on out. :way_to_go:


Weeeell, dad already let him pull on them sticks. That's what hooked him on the bigger stuff. But... since a certain dad did get him a 43% PAU Edge....you might be on to something there. Lol. Thank you by the way. I love that big blue bird. Anytime ya want to yank on it, come on out. :way_to_go:

Plus you have the big 50 center so yea he will paint it.lol


Got to take some of my flooring back to Lowes, opened a box of it last night and it was missing 5 pieces.... That's why I normally don't let the employees help me load stuff!!! lol
I wont use a laminate wood for my floor, just sayin...... It gets wet, it will swell and start peeling. I would use an actual hard wood. I'll gladly take a painted surface with a little sand mixed in the paint for some grippy. I'm not looking to create an apartment, just someplace to house my airplanes. But hey.... If they all want to party in there, go for it! :)

It's all different strokes for different folks.

Looks like this weekend it will be time to start moving the trailer to my buddies place for some renovations!! :) :dancing-chicken:


The flooring I got is floating vinyl, no glue. I used it in my Bathroom and after a year of almost 2 showers a day it still looks brand new.

I'm going a little overboard with it but we will probably be using it as a temporary ground station for work this summer also. So when we have customers coming to buy planes it might be nice to have a decked out trailer to show off a bit ;)