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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
LMAO that is some nasty shiz right there. Thats a mental picture that will never go away........Note to self....No Packos in Toledo this year!!!!! LMFAO


GSN Contributor
We're very happy to announce that Fromeco Scale Avionics has joined 3DRCForums as a site sponsor. We're huge fans of their quality products and outstanding customer service. Be sure to check them out at www.fromeco.org.
Their Vendor forum is here: http://www.3drcforums.com/forumdisplay.php?155-Fromeco-Scale-Avionics
They'll be keeping an eye on it, so feel free to ask all the crazy technical questions you want, they're the experts!

Welcome Fromeco!

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I was recently very impressed with the service i got from the dude at Fromeco! I always appreciate good customer service and i'll be buying a lot more from them.

The Wolverine switch i purchased is working great and is probably the nicest thing on my plane :tongue:
We're very happy to announce that Fromeco Scale Avionics has joined 3DRCForums as a site sponsor. We're huge fans of their quality products and outstanding customer service. Be sure to check them out at www.fromeco.org.
Their Vendor forum is here: http://www.3drcforums.com/forumdisplay.php?155-Fromeco-Scale-Avionics
They'll be keeping an eye on it, so feel free to ask all the crazy technical questions you want, they're the experts!

Welcome Fromeco!

Sweet! Any coupons from them? ;)

On another note, unboxed my 91" Extra 300 EXP, this thing is HUGE! :) I'm super excited to start the build! I'll make a thread and post up pics tomorrow! :)

Rick dazzler

70cc twin V2
We're very happy to announce that Fromeco Scale Avionics has joined 3DRCForums as a site sponsor. We're huge fans of their quality products and outstanding customer service. Be sure to check them out at www.fromeco.org.
Their Vendor forum is here: http://www.3drcforums.com/forumdisplay.php?155-Fromeco-Scale-Avionics
They'll be keeping an eye on it, so feel free to ask all the crazy technical questions you want, they're the experts!

Welcome Fromeco!


Awesome! Fromeco is a top notch outfiit! Glad to see these guys here. One of the good ones for sure! Welcome:)