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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


It sounded killer smoke and some butthead flying as he came in on the flight line and hovered until you could not see a thing. Sounded like people were screaming landing and yet he continued to hover and douse the area with the best smoke screen ever. Wamsy was one of the folks in the air trying to land. There were no incidents but could have ended bad. Here is a thread for your reading pleasure/displeasure

I especially love the post where this supposedly 9-post wife is slamming theKM telling Arron that he is overweight and her avatar is a picture of herself and she is an Omega Mu herself.

All and all it was a great advertisement for that aero cumulous smoke oil. But it looks like there will now and for ever be a new term for 3D pilots. There are 3D pilots and 3D FOG's. 3D FOG's are now those who fly higher energy maneuvers and the 3D pilots fly with reckless abandonment.

Cool how well that smoke oil worked.

Terrible thread they have got going on over there, some of those individuals should be ashamed for what they said.


Hey guys, we had a great weekend of flying on Saturday and Sunday. A bunch of guys at the field, lots of planes, a few crashes
and tuning of engines and buddy boxing with pilot trainees and even some flying of my own! Got to fly the 65" Vyper again (first time this season) and what a joy...so much fun to fly. Also had a bunch of fun with my 51 Slick doing low harriers and working on my rolling harriers.

Also brought out the Twist 60 on Sunday; the Saito FA-115 fired right up and off it went...I love the sound of this engine! Did a bunch of hovering, some harriers, some floating on the wind, and I spent one whole tank flying upside down, getting lower and lower. This plane is balanced so that I can fly inverted with hands off and she will just fly along straight and level! It was actually very relaxing to fly this plane yesterday.

Another club member has a Twist 150 with an ST 2300 which is fairly new. He was having trouble getting the needles set on this engine...he flew it for a while then landed saying it wasn't running right. I tried to help him tune it, but wasn't able to offer much help.

Another club member named Mike brought out his Extreme Flight 78" Yak-54 which he has had for a few years. He mentioned something about having to be careful with this plane since they don't make it anymore and there are no spare parts. I was flying my Vyper and he was flying his Yak when I heard an "oh sh&*$))$" followed by a loud crunch...you all know the sound I'm talking about, right? Sure enough it was his Yak-54 which had just nosed in hard into the cornfield....evidently he lost elevator control while he was doing some big loops and he had no control while he watched it pile in. Not sure yet what happened, but the plane was totalled...nothing left forward of the wing root, and not sure yet if any damage was done to his massive OS 1.60 two stroke motor.

I'm grateful that I didn't crash any planes yesterday and grateful that we had such good flying weather for a change. Sunny and high 70's/low 80's with winds around 10. Hope the remaining FLI's for this year have this kind of weather!



Just Do It
Cool how well that smoke oil worked.

Terrible thread they have got going on over there, some of those individuals should be ashamed for what they said.
I have never considered smoke worth the effort but those results may change my mind. For me though it would be more for the scale high speed maneuvers and not to pop a smoke grenade on the flight line.


Did you read the posts about the amount of smoke oil he was running to get that much though?
Something like 40 ounces in 4 minutes, pump was wide open and the plane was dripping with smoke oil afterwards.


Too much bashing. I wish someone had video fo Joe's flight with buttface the night before. Joe was doing funnel hovers like you would not believe


I read that FG link even though I told myself not too. Very sad indeed. Embarrassing for many of the people involved.
Can't believe I read the entire thread. :(


In my 42" Slick I have an Omega 103g motor and a Extreme Flight Airboss 35 AMP ESC. Would this be possible to over amp?

Yes, absolutely! The 103g is rated for 45W, so you should go at least with a 50A. Never EVER over amp an ESC! Over amping a motor is less serious, unless you fly at constant WOT. Overamping an ESC can lead to a complete burnout of the ESC and BEC. Sure, the better ones have some margins built in, but it's still a bad idea to over amp like that!