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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
On a good note, I really liked the funnel hovers, and the cool maneuver with the two planes doing rolling circles around the third plane that was hovering. Nice flying!

Ok Gary that can be our FLI signature move this year. I'll work on the hover. You get to work on those rolling loops. :)


The 3dhs guys and friends n family definitely handle it better than i woulda and im a very laid back person. Woulda been very hard not to do something i woulda probably regretted later. I dont see how the 3dhs guys could get any blame in that.

Blucor Basher

One thing sponsored pilots (any sponsored pilots) find out is that being a sponsored pilot makes them a target sometimes. If anything unfortunate happens, the reactions of the sponsored pilots are scrutinized under a microscope, no matter what anyone else involved did. Frankly, I can't blame anyone who reacts in an angry way when a situation is tense, because anger is partially a physical, chemical thing. In a very tense situation, human bodies are programmed to get ready to fight, it's a biological response. To *not* give in to this natural aggression shows serious restraint. A lot of us are seeing that video and nodding our heads saying "I'm not sure I would have handled it that well" but the 3DHS pilots did. I am extremely proud of them. This is not saying anything about anyone else's motives, I don't know the other people involved. I can only comment on the actions of the 3DHS pilots, and to simply land safely and without causing any further issue is textbook "how to be a great sponsored pilot" behavior. So, I just wanted to say how proud I am of our guys. They operate under a microscope and still manage to be great ambassadors. Well done.


70cc twin V2
Glad everyone made up and had a good time afterwards.Maybe all involved learned gooder lessons for later fly ins. :)
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70cc twin V2
The smoke and flyi g in my opinion was cool. As long as maybe there was some communication, which I was told there wasnt. Not clearing out when landing was called is douchewaffle actions no matter how you put it. However, i also was told they all made up and the guy said he was sorry and everyone had a great time the rest of the week so its a done deal as far as Manta is concerned. The ones who are handling it badly it seems are internet folk who werent there lol. :)