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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Quick shout out to Dennis (@superstocktx). Thanks again for all your help and advice. I re-maidened my aerobeez slick yesterday with the refurbished dle 35. It runs better now with the new ring than it ever did with the stock one. I can't wait to see what happens when it is all broken in!

It has electric like throttle response with a falcon 19x8 and has a noticeable power increase. I have not done any 3d with it yet but uplines are a thing of beauty.

A bowman believer!


640cc Uber Pimp
Just got word an old friend took his life this week. Left his daughter behind to pick up the pieces. Such a sad and selfish decision. His funny humor, energy and fun attitude will be missed. Life is too short and is what we make of it guys!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Just got word an old friend took his life this week. Left his daughter behind to pick up the pieces. Such a sad and selfish decision. His funny humor, energy and fun attitude will be missed. Life is too short and is what we make of it guys!

Mike, so sorry for the loss and for your friends choice. I am reeling with some terrible pain right now myself but the thought of something so terminal and hopeless is not an option. Faith, Friends, Family are all hopeful things. Yesterday's have happened, tomorrow's are never promised so today is the first day of the rest of our lives- live, love, laugh. Oh, don't forget to play too! Your friend's soul will find peace through forgiveness. Hopefully his daughter can find the same freedom. God Bless.


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks Daren. We all have had tragedy and hardships in our life and it sounds like you're experiencing some of that now. Sorry to hear that. We're here for ya man!

Buick Mackane

70cc twin V2
Mike and Daren, I'm sorry that you are both experiencing trying times. I've shared you viewpoint of it being selfish...but I've decided that sometimes people get overwhelmed or worn out from life and can't see beyond their own grief. I changed my viewpoint after a loss like yours. I found forgiveness to be the best thing I could do for her and for me...life is too short, as Daren said. I hope his daughter finds solace from the memory of good times they shared. I hope both of you will find better days soon. I'm sorry if I'm preaching...I don't mean to. Just wanted to share what helped me through it. Best wishes,


640cc Uber Pimp
I think we both appreciate the kind words. Lost my wife to cancer in 2006 so I know trying times and it's always taught me that we need perspective of what highs and lows really are. As we say in the Army... DRIVE ON!