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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


640cc Uber Pimp
Just got back from flying. The weather was even worse than advertised. Damp, cold and windy. I just love Midwest weather. Warm and very humid yesterday morning. One of those days where it feels like someones covering your face with a hot wet towel when you step outside. And cold, windy and damp today. But at least I got to go flying. :fist_pump:
Just got back from flying. The weather was even worse than advertised. Damp, cold and windy. I just love Midwest weather. Warm and very humid yesterday morning. One of those days where it feels like someones covering your face with a hot wet towel when you step outside. And cold, windy and damp today. But at least I got to go flying. :fist_pump:

Spoken like a fellow addict. I am so glad there is not a 12 step program for it


Id say today was not the best day ever, @ChickenBalls gremlins continue to haunt me, I had an Aileron servo go crazy and start doing what ever it wanted less than a min into the first flight and Ill mention it was doing it with about 60deg of throw made landing a hand full, found that a servo extension wire had a bad connection and when I was messing with it the wire fell out if the connector, Ill be removing any gear ordered from this company from any airframe I have, 90% of any thing i have ordered from them has failed and Ill not mention there name or go into the 100's of dollars I have wasted but it's really sad and I have learned my lesson. 2nd off I fixed the plane and took off again with out refueling played around and at the end of my flight I come off of a down line and went into a hover, fairly high for the normal with this plane at 20 feet but as soon as i Locked in the motor tried to die and the plane come down I got lucky and flew out but landed to find about 3 oz left in the tank. I guess it could have been way worse


Just Do It
So here is an update on our field as one of our officers was allowed out to take some pictures. The lake is 14' over flood stage and continuing to rise. Before pictures and from Saturday.

Ng photo.jpg DSCN3461.JPG


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Bee stings suck major time!!!! Whole right hand is all swollen up like a balloon... Hope it goes down by tomorrow..

Can't even get out to fly this afternoon cause I can't move my thumb :(