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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Nice flight for maiden! I don't have the balls to bring a brand new plane that close to the ground except for landing. I thought it had been a pretty mild winter up there? Most of my family lives in Eastern ND, and I hear about not having barely any snow this year at all.


Damn I'm hungry
Not too rusty thumbs.....lack of momentum. Same with my crankshaft. First flight on EME70 twin and hoping it wakes up big time. It'll be over a week before temps increase so next time out I'll try to get a few flights on it.....just need to burn some gas to get the break in process going. I tried a KE spin a couple times, need to get used to the EXP stabs on this Edge....never had one with those.

For a brand new motor and "rusty thumbs" Not bad....Not bad at all! I don't know what prop you run'n but from what I have heard others say the Falcon 24x9 spools well for the EME 70 stock exhaust.


70cc twin V2
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Went out this morning, 37* and a breeze about 5 to 10. Made a couple flights and had a cup of coffee and another flight and i feel better since i got a couple flights before weather turns bad again.
Well Yakman that was fun yesterday. I Got to be your Pit boy, since my OS AX46 after 5 years of abuse at Over 16 to 17 thousand RPM just did not want to run. When I got home. I tore it down and the ,bearings, liner, and piston are bad. That was after spending the night before till 2:30 in the morning recovering my 6 year old Sky Crapper LOL !!!! The weather today is just worse by the minute here are a few shot's from early until and hour ago


70cc twin V2
No Flying today BAD WEATHER. So a few phone calls a little horse trading and a quick trip to a friends house and we are back in the air with my sorta need for speed Sky Crapper. LOL!!!



I like 'em "BIG"!
Weather sucks here too. Hmm..... I am thinking we could still fly. Maybe a little GSN Huckfest a little later with RF????