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The stick bangers thread


Damn I'm hungry
OK Guys......I have always been a guy that has had to measure the height of the crash pile or number of garbage bags I left in the can on the way out in order to even get to my modest 3D skill level.:dancing-poop:

So pony up and tell us..... How many licks did it take to get to the center of your skill sets???:ninja:


640cc Uber Pimp
So pony up and tell us..... How many licks did it take to get to the center of your skill sets???:ninja:

I pounded my 91 pretty hard last year after I broke all the rudder hinges except two and did not realize it until I came in for a low KE pass. We had been doing eyeball level KE passes all day long.....this one sank a little low FAST! Built new wings and repaired fuse.....better than new now. Pretty much my only giant scale "crash".

I did pancake a 30% pilot 260 once when the engine died while dipping my tail in the corn (forgot to fuel up:dancing-poop:)


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I had a wild hear edge I put in the dirt 3 times rebuilt is all of those time.and I put a 100cc aw in while rolling. Rebuilt it a buddy is flying it now. And the 3dhs plane busted it in half a little work and she is going again. They fly better some times after the crash because you do not give a crap about them and you do what ever.


70cc twin V2
I did almost lose my new pau edge a few weeks ago at a fly in...Busy BSing, I put gas in the smoke tank. Lucky the smoke tank was already half full of smoke oil and I didn't have a flaming deadstick cause I did turn on the smoke. I thought the smoke kinda looked funny and turned it off and decided to keep flying and then the engine died and then it made sense as I was walking up to my plane. I'm still trying to figure out how I landed though without even a scratch cause it happened so fast and without much altitude/speed. I wish it was on video...I did change the fuel dot now for the smoke so there is no way to do that again.


70cc twin V2
most of my 3d learning curve came at the expense of my 88 ef edge. The worst was one time I harriering low when the wind suddenly died out and the plane fell faster than I could get on the throttle. landing gear folded all the way back in the fuse. bent it back, clear tape and thin ca and I was flying it the same day. That plane can just take a beating and it still flys awesome. Every plane I fly has been wrecked at one time or another.


70cc twin V2
Only been flying gas three summers just starting rollers now. So far I've only destroyed a pilot decathlon. Sad part was I wasn't hovering it or anything lol. A friend wanted to take pics of a slow fly by with my flaps on and when I went to climb out from the low pass I truned the flaps off before powering up. And ya high wing stall 15 feet from the ground my bad Lololol


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Damn I'm hungry
Windy days:on_the_go: can be a blast and:nightmare:for me! Luckily I only busted a wheel hub and broke the wheel pant on my small edge.

Last time out had my 30% Edge and a rolling gust of wind got on top of it and it was going to the ground fast. The tail was just about to impact and I was able to gun the engine for a save. It's been mentioned before that Horse Power save lives! lol


Just Do It
I have the highest respect for you guys. I saw Stephan fly in Orlando this year and was blown away. I just can't get over the fear of crashing, something in my DNA I guess.