Well, I ended up working ALL weekend so I didn't get anything done on my Mach 1, but that's OK. Tomorrow night I am going to put the engine in it and get it ready to fly this weekend. According to the long range weather forecast, it's supposed to be very nice next weekend with sunny skies and temps in the high 50's and low 60's. Of course I'll believe it when I see it. . . LOL. The weather around here was terrible, but I'm lucky because it could have been much much worse.
Hey Mike, I have a question for you. I was watching Terry's video on setting up dual aileron servos on his Viper with the MKS777 servo's and I was wondering. Are ALL MKS servo's that noisy? Obviously, I know nobody will hear them once you fire up the engine in the plane, and it may have just been the fact that the camera was so close to them but they seem a little on the loud side to me.
Thanks Buddy