Working on installing the phenolic tubes. We tried to be able to use as much as possible of the 48" wing tube, and Rick is making some final adjustments (as we max out the capabilities of his machine again

). I always seem to find a way to push the limits......keeps things interesting!
So, the tube slots will be slightly longer in the production kits. Installation process can be done in a couple of different ways. Instead of a hard plywood end cap, short rib or partial rib (whatever you want to call it) we are going to go for the K.I.S.S. method of using simple balsa. The way the blocks are cut out of the wings it leaves a perfect gap for a medium density pc. of 1/16" balsa. You can choose to simply put the block on the inside and butt the phenolic up to it. Or, since I like to take it to the next level, make the phenolic pass through the block at the end of the wing tube.
First, you need to plug the end of the wing tube phenolic. I like to mark the leading edge of the wings differently to help keep the shucks and parts all easily identifiable with their mate. I simply used some 3/32" balsa, pressed the wing tube into it and cut it out with a hobby knife (on the outside of the indent). Fit it into the end of the sleeve and glue in. Take care to ensure that no glue runs inside the phenolic!
Next I made a small notch in the other end of the phenolic to help drill, and carefully drilled a hole through the foam block. Slide a pc. of balsa into the gap and trace the airfoil. Simply cut it with a hobby knife to shape and check the fit.
Repeat for both wings and both stabs.