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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Hey she's bigger than me and I think she just got released from prison for murdering her husband....Now if I had my 43 with me I might've had the courage to ask her... Come to think of it instead of getting slapped she may have said " I'm available".. and I think I would've much rather have been slapped. We need to call Mothers and had them change that acronym title to something else... hehe


Started out with Three Blind Mice....couldn't find the Imperial...finishing up with Guinness Extra Stout. Been thinking about next time I go to Branson calling all of the liquor stores to see if they have any MILF....


Staff member
Started out with Three Blind Mice....couldn't find the Imperial...finishing up with Guinness Extra Stout. Been thinking about next time I go to Branson calling all of the liquor stores to see if they have any MILF....
They don't. I already bought it all! I scored another 8 bottles today.:devil-dance:


Old Rasputin....if you like stout this is for you. Great flavor with a definite kick...9%ALC/VOL Originally brewed by 18th century English brewers who supplied the Russian Court of Catherine the Great... rich describes it best..